Words Never to be Spoken

“In the shadowed corners of whispered legends, there exists a forbidden incantation known only as the ‘words never to be spoken.’”

This summoning charm, shrouded in mystery and fear, is said to call forth the Lord of Darkness, Shadow. It is a relic of ancient times, a linguistic artifact that has been passed down through hushed tones and secretive circles. The very mention of its existence is enough to send shivers down the spine of even the bravest souls.


The charm itself is a collection of words, each one imbued with dark power. These words, when spoken in the correct sequence, are believed to pierce the veil between worlds, allowing Shadow to travel the world, coming instantly into the presence of its worshipper. The language of the charm is archaic, its origins lost to time, and its syllables are said to carry a weight that can bend reality itself.

“Beware the words never to be spoken,” an old sage once warned. “For they hold the power to summon the Darkness that lies beyond our understanding.”

The knowledge of this charm is fiercely guarded. Only a select few, those who have delved deep into the forbidden arts, are aware of its true nature. To speak the charm is to invite peril, for Shadow is not a being to be trifled with. Its summoning is a last resort, a desperate act by those who believe they have no other choice. Alternatively, it can be seen as a call between friends, reaching out to one whom the summoner respects and values.


The charm’s existence has given rise to a culture of fear and reverence. In the lands where Shadow’s influence is felt, the mere hint of someone knowing the charm can lead to suspicion and dread. It is a taboo, a line that few dare to cross. Stories abound of those who have attempted to use the charm without swearing allegiance to the Shadow, only to be consumed by the very Darkness they sought to control.

“Some knowledge is best left forgotten,” a scholar once mused, “for the price of its use is far too great.”

The ‘words never to be spoken’ serve as a reminder of the delicate balance between Light and Dark. They are a symbol of the power that lies in language, and the dangers that come with wielding such power recklessly. In the hands of the unworthy, the charm is a weapon of unimaginable destruction. In the hands of the wise, it is a tool of last resort, to be used only when all other options have been exhausted.


In the end, the charm remains an enigma, a dark whisper in the annals of history. Its true power, and the consequences of its use, are known only to those who dare to seek it out. And for most, the risk is far too great, leaving the ‘words never to be spoken’ as a haunting echo of the Darkness that lies just beyond the edge of Light.


Addendum: there is a rumor that the true worshipers of Darkness have no need for the summoning charm, and that in some circles the charm itself is seen to be a trap to destroy the unwary.

Cover image: by Antonios Ntoumas


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Aug 21, 2024 15:47 by Bob O'Brien

Nice! A dangerous curse in an archaic language. Few know the incantation, but many know it exists... and fear it. Can you say, "witch hunt"?! One confusing bit, though, was the line, "Alternatively, it can be seen as a call between friends, reaching out to one whom the summoner respects and values." Where does that fit in?

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Aug 22, 2024 04:33 by Deleyna Marr

I need to clean that up, thanks. Essentially for those who believe that Darkness is a friend... those who do not see it as evil...

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