Chapter Fourteen

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"I think I found out why we're not where we're supposed to be," Megan said, "It's a virus."

"Another one? I thought you had your watchdogs or whatever in place."

"I do. But this has been here since before our mission. It's bad, but not necessarily destructive."

Jacks sighed, "okay, what's this one?"

"It's in our navigation computer. Someone reset our 'Galactic Zero' coordinates, so every long-distance course we plot will be off."

"How does that work?"

"It's like resetting ground level on an airplane. The computer says that they're at a hundred feet altitude, when they're really hitting the ground at full speed."

"Crap! Is there any way to fix it? Can we use a system backup?"

"Negative. I've tried the backups, and they are all the same."

"So you're telling me that there is no way to fix our nav computer?"

"Basically, yes sir."

"What about the Kree computer core?"

"We haven't figured out how to access the core yet, but the terminal had some limited information on the local system we found it in. By the way, that system was call Reliqua if that helps our Amook friends at all."

"I'll ask. In the mean time, make it a priority to access that core. Get Groon to help you."

"He already is, sir. But remember that Kree tech is well above them too."


"Uh, Captain? I have a bit of an issue here," Phillip said, "those Amook that were their captain's bodyguards have asked me if they can join the security team."

"Why would they do that?"

"They say that their job is to protect their captain, and that's you now."

"Okay. Give them some training and see how they do."

"I've tested them already, sir. We had a challenge of them versus our guards."

"How did they do?"

"Blew them out of the water."

"Then it looks like they might not be a good fit for security."

"No, sir. The Amook blew our guys out of the water. All but one, that is."

"Which one?"

"Alex Wolfe. He's a machine when it comes to combat."

"Good. Promote him. Put the Amook under him. Maybe they'll be able to teach our guys a thing or two, eh? It'll be good for them."

"I've already promoted him to Sergeant. He wants to put together a training program that incorporates the Amook tactics."

"Excellent. Do it."

"Yes sir."

"Sir, we might have a problem."

"Of course we do," he said under his breath. Then out loud, "What is it?"

"It's the Amook, sir. They gave their issued weapons to that one called Breeken."

"Why would they do that?"

"I don't know, but he's got them taken apart and is doing something to them in the maintenance bay. I think he's melting them down. I can't understand a thing they're saying."

"I'll check it out Chief."

"Thank you sir."

By the time Jacks got down to the maintenance bay, Breeken was reassembling the weapons, except that they didn't look like the typical M14 rifles that they used. The barrels had been changed to look like dragon heads, mouth open, with the muzzle sticking out between sharp-looking teeth. The ridges that began on the dragons' heads now extended down the top of the rifles.

The stocks of the rifles were modeled to look like dragon claws that would grasp the user's shoulder. Front legs were sculpted under the barrels, with the claws forming the trigger guards. Suddenly Breeken's title made sense to him. Captain Broognan had called him Sculptor Alpha. Now he knew why. 

"Breeken, what are you doing?"

"My job, captain. I am the Sculptor Alpha. It is my sacred duty to bring art to the ship."

"You did a beautiful job on these," he couldn't help but say.

"Thank you Captain."

"But in the future I would appreciate it if you would check with me before making any changes to our equipment."

"Captain, you have a very elegant ship, and it appears to be made for efficiency. But there is no art to it. Art is the lifeblood of any race."

"I agree. I'm not saying that you can't do your artwork. Hell, I think it would be fantastic for you to. Just please check with me before you do anything to the ship, okay?"

"As you wish, Captain."

As it turned out, when Marno and Kleezar, the Amook guards, came back to the security station with their newly remodeled weapons, nearly every other security guard wanted to same thing done to their weapons. And once they proved that it had not affected the performance or accuracy, the captain and Security Chief gave the go-ahead. It was something to keep Breeken happy and busy, and it was really cool, according to the security staff.

"Dude, these guys are awesome," Bruce said of the Amook.

"Yeah, but they cheat on the drills."

"How do they cheat?"

"They can change shape! If we could do that, we'd be as good as they are."

"I don't think you'll ever be that good."

"Oh, ha ha. Asshole."

"At least we got these awesome rifles from that Breek guy."

"Yeah, I think that him and that other one, Groon or whatever, I think that they can probably make just about anything, and make it look good in the process."

Breeken even made a special custom pistol for the security chief. It was in the shape of a winged demon, but it was the legs that made up the barrel with wings flowing up either side. It looked like it was lying back with it's head raised, the thick muscular arms forming the grip and the raised head forming a sight. It was a true work of art, and functional to boot.

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