In Which a Fear is Discovered

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“No?” Braelin asked, “Is that a bad thing?”

“I just don’t know what she would be writing me about,” Milve replied, setting the other letters down to open the one from the Grand Priestess first, tail twitching, “Though…”

“Though?” Yheor asked, “Come on, don’t leave us hanging!”

“Though I did speak with my Lady through the shrine statue once again,” Milve rolled his eyes, “And She did imply She did not agree with my dismissal – it… could be that She made her will known on that matter.”

“Oh, I thought the deities of other realms did not speak with their followers casually,” Huo’a said, “At least, not as casually as elven ones do – or do they not, and this was a special case?”

“They don’t,” Braelin supplied, “Senior Priest Milve was demoted for making me an honorary member of the Iesculan priesthood, so I’m not surprised Iescula disagreed with that decision.”

“It would appear I am once again a High Priest,” Milve said, eyes moving back and forth as he read through the letter, “Of the newly established Royal Shrine of Iescula – this was our Lady’s will. As such, she has instructed each temple to accept my request for aide and send a knowledgeable priesti to serve as my new staff here.”

“Congratulations!” Yheor laughed, clapping the man on the back, “You get your status back and to stay here with your suitors!”

Milve’s face darkened as he skimmed the letter a second time before folding it, “Yes, well. It is… something.”

“You aren’t happy about your promotion?” Huo’a asked, “You don’t sound happy. But you were upset to be demoted, yes? No? Most people are upset about demotions, in my experience, but that doesn’t mean everyone is, I suppose.”

“I… need time to consider it,” Milve said evenly, going through the other letters, “These are from High Priests of other temples – rejections, mainly, but they were likely sent before the Grand Priestess made her decision.”

“Well, the meeting is over, so you’re free to do as you please,” Braelin said.

“Yes… thank you,” Milve nodded, then bowed toward Jurao before leaving – Rascal jumping onto its master’s back, though the High Priest merely patted at it.

Yheor snorted, “On that note, I’ll be heading out to help prepare the midday meal in the Mess Hall – good day, your highness.”

“Good day,” Jurao returned.

“I’ll be working on the saplings for the orchard,” Huo’a said, then shook his head, “Ah, no, I’ll be meeting my husband – we’re going into the city for the midday meal, very exciting! We have not gone out together for a bit, and we do enjoy it, you know! Discovering new places! Loge found a restaurant reported to sell honey cakes, and they are my favorite!”

“I hope they’re as good as the ones Yheor makes,” Braelin chuckled.

“I do as well!” Huo’a laughed, “Loge isn’t fond of sweet things, but he always finds them for me, my dear husband! Ah, but I shouldn’t keep him waiting – good day, good day!”

“I get exhausted just listening to him,” Suli sighed, then bowed towards them, “I’ll be returning to the city myself until our next meeting – good day, your highness.”

“Good day,” Jurao nodded.

As she was leaving, Eweylona walked into the office – bowing her head towards Jurao before asking, “Braelin, have you seen your father?”

“It appears he went to the Administrative Office with Hujur to discuss filing systems,” Braelin snorted.

Eweylona chuckled, “Oh dear, should I feel sorry for the man?”

“No,” Braelin replied, “Hujur was the one who wanted to discuss them more in-depth.”

“There is a first for everything, I suppose,” Eweylona shook her head with a fond smile, “Well, we had planned to go on a ride with Aya and Malson this afternoon – I know you won’t want to join, but perhaps you’ll come to see us all off, Braelin? I doubt Eb will remember to join us after finding a like-mind to organize with.”

“I can do that,” Braelin said, and looked up at Jurao, “Would you like to join us… my heart?”

“Yes,” Jurao nodded, tail swaying as he experimentally added, “My mud-eel.”

Demarri made a choked noise.

“Mud-eel?” Eweylona asked, arching a brow.

“Jurao’s endearment for me,” Braelin replied, slipping a hand in one of his partner’s, “It’s a type of fish that can walk between hot springs – like how Jurao feels I travel between his hearts.”

Demarri’s head slowly lowered to her desk, her face pressing too close to her book to read.

Eweylona chuckled, smiling warmly, “I see, how very sweet.”

“Are you alright, Demarri,” Jurao asked, noticing the young woman’s shoulders were shaking.

She waved a hand, “Just fine, your highness.”

Braelin chuckled, “Shall we?”

Eweylona – likely aware of royal protocol – held out a hand for Jurao to take the lead. He nodded to her as he did, continuing to hold his partner’s hand as they walked to the stable yards. The cavalry was already out and gearing up for a ride, and it was only a few moments after they arrived that they were spotted.

“Mom! Braelin!” Ayelma called out, running over with her hornhound on a rein and saddled behind her.

“Good afternoon, Aya,” Eweylona chuckled, returning the hug her daughter greeted her with while purring.

Jurao flinched in surprise when his partner hid behind him.

Ayelma spotted the movement and scoffed, “Braelin, come on! He’s not even a horse!”

“Close enough,” Braelin replied.

“Are you afraid of horses,” Jurao asked, surprised.

“One bit him as a child,” Eweylona explained, “It’s why I knew he wouldn’t want to join on the ride.”

Ayelma pouted, hugging her mount’s neck, “It didn’t even break skin!”

“It still hurt,” Braelin replied, still behind Jurao, “And those ones have sharp teeth.”

“So does Jurao, and he’s bigger than my Sweetie!” Ayelma continued to pout, petting the hornhound’s mane.

It made a pleased little honk, leaning gently into her.

As Jurao considered the statement, his tail began to sway.

Braelin chuckled when it knocked into him, carding his hand into the fur as he said, “Don’t get embarrassed about it.”

Ayelma sputtered as Eweylona laughed – the former queen snorting in the same way her daughter did.

“I didn’t mean it like that!” Ayelma insisted.

“I don’t bite people,” Jurao said, just to be clear.

“That’s true,” Braelin snorted, trying not to laugh, “He’s never bitten me.”

Ayelma groaned, burying her face against her mount, “By the gods, I did not want to think about that…”

“Think about what!?” Malson asked, joining their little group with his own mount, “And where’s Dad!?”

“He found someone that enjoys discussing filing systems,” Eweylona chuckled.

“Hujur, huh!?” Malson surmised with a nod, “Yeah, they’ll probably be a while! But hey, what did you not want to think about!?”

“Jurao biting Braelin,” Ayelma sighed.

“What!?” Malson demanded, looking between his sister and brother.

“We were discussing why Braelin doesn’t like horses,” Eweylona chuckled, stroking her daughter’s hair, “And, apparently, horse-like creatures.”

“… what!?” Malson repeated, then sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, “Not that I can really say anything about it!”

“I didn’t want to think about you getting bitten, either!” Ayelma declared, shooting a weak stream of water at him from her hand.

Malson sputtered, wiping at his face – then laughed, “Hey, you’ve gotten better at that!”

Ayelma continued to pout – but only for a moment before grinning, “I know, right?”

“Henes has a water affinity too!” Malson chuckled, pulling up his shirt to wipe away the water, “Jae says that’s the most common in Lajaonar, probably because it’s near the Troll Realm Gate!”

“Oh, dear,” Eweylona sighed, “I didn’t realize you had so many scars, Mal.”

“Hm!?” Malson said, then looked down at his exposed torso and pulled his shirt up further to reveal more scars, “Oh, yeah! Aren’t they fucking amazing!?”

“How are you alive?” Aya snorted, pointing to two large scars cutting across her brother’s abdomen in a cross shape.

“I got them at different times!” Malson declared proudly, patting them, “Jae fixed the first one, and she’s the best surgeon I know! The second one was healed by the ship’s doctor, who signed on later - a magus named Herrol!”

“I thought you would be more eager to share how you got them, compared to how they were healed,” Ayelma laughed.

“Nah!” Malson said, letting his shirt drop, “These scars are a testament to the people who cared about me enough to fix my wounds, not the people who gave them to me!”

Eweylona stepped over to pull her oldest son into a hug, “Thinking of them that way does put my heart at ease – but let me have this for now.”

Malson flinched before returning the embrace, “Shit! Sorry, I didn’t think about them worrying you!”

Eweylona chuckled and pulled back, kissing Malson’s forehead, “My son, I do not think you will ever stop worrying me.”

“Yeah, because you’re always doing reckless shit,” Ayelma teased.

Eweylona sighed, “Though I do wish you would both speak with less profanity…”

“Why are you wearing armor, Malson,” Jurao asked, having noticed the man was wearing what seemed to be a leather breastplate under his shirt. While he understood being prepared, a single article for a casual ride within the Field Walls did not seem like a true protective measure.

“Armor!?” Malson frowned, then snorted, pulling up his shirt again, “You mean this!?”

“Yes,” Jurao tilted his head, “Is it not armor.”

“No!” the petty prince laughed as though the idea was amusing, “This is just to make my chest look flatter!”

“You didn’t used to wear one of those, right?” Aya asked, “At least, I didn’t think you did…”

“I didn’t!” Malson agreed, letting his shirt drop, “Jae commissioned this one special after I had Hen, since it made my chest grow bigger! Still don’t have much, but it was enough to throw me off!”

“That explains the blackthorn branches and roses,” Eweylona chuckled, “What a lovely gift.”

“Right!?” Malson grinned in agreement, “Not that it makes much difference to anyone here, but I’m still more comfortable with it!”

Jurao was not sure what Malson meant by that statement but didn’t think it was very important as long as the petty prince was comfortable.

“Wait, having kids can make your boobs bigger?” Aya groaned, “Mine are too big already!”

Eweylona chuckled, “The change is not usually permanent, but it has been known to happen.”

“It’s not like you’re having kids any time soon, right!?” Malson snorted, mounting his hornhound, “So why worry about it now!?”

“Maybe I’m not having them yet, but I want to someday,” Ayelma replied, sticking her tongue out at him, “Well… I guess that might also depend on if the person I like can have them with me…”

“You like someone!?” Malson demanded.

“Oh, my, how lively,” Kaenaz chuckled, joining them while leading a mount.

“How gorgeous,” Eweylona remarked, accepting the reins to the snowy white-furred hornhound.

“Good afternoon, your highness,” Kaenaz nodded to Jurao before turning back to the former queen, “This is Mamesli, I thought she might suit you.”

“So pretty!” Ayelma gasped, “Where was she hiding?”

“In one of Mayor Mera’s stables,” Kaenaz replied, “She and my cousin know how much I’ve come to love hornhounds, so they offered her to me as a decade-day gift. But I do not often ride myself, so I would be happy to share her so she may get more exercise.”

“And such a beautiful woman needs a mount to match,” a cavalry member said, riding up to their group. He bowed from the saddle, “Good afternoon, your highness, I am Scilae.”

“Ah, Kaenaz’s partner,” Jurao nodded, “Good afternoon.”

Scilae was a traditional demon with red skin and darker red stripe-like markings, likely inherited from a beastly demon parent or grandparent. His curly black hair was cropped short, white eyes soft as the smile he leveled at his partner.

Eweylona chuckled as Kaenaz helped her into the saddle, “Thank you both, for the kind offer and flattery.”

Ayelma mounted up as well, grinning, “People have been saying I’m growing into a beauty as well, you know.”

“And so you are, my lady,” Scilae bowed his head, “But I believe your mount reflects the strength of your character – he is as bold and fearless as I have seen you be.”

“He’s such a charmer, isn’t he?” Kaenaz laughed, walking over to his partner for a kiss.

“How else could I have attracted someone as pretty as you?” Scilae replied as he sat back up.

“But wait!” Malson said, walking his mount closer to his sister’s, “You said you like someone! Who!?”

“It’s a secret because you’ll scare them off,” Aya stuck out her tongue, then turned, “And don’t you tell him either, Braelin!”

“I don’t know who it is,” Braelin replied.

“But you’ll figure it out first, now that you know there is someone!” Ayelma replied, “So don’t spoil it!”

“Alright,” Braelin chuckled.

Kaenaz stood with them as they wished the riders well, watching the party as they rode off. When they were far enough away, Kaenaz asked, “Isn’t the person she likes Gaele?”

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