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Will was flying back to the village, dragging a bound and gagged Viltar with him. He felt a panic setting into his very soul. He brought the hammer of his will to power down on the feelings.

"Calm down. Remember what dad used to say. Slow is Smooth, Smooth is fast." Will spoke quickly to himself as he took a long breath, touching down onto the central gathering area in the walls. He tossed Viltar to a couple of guards. "If he so much as wiggles his fingers, beat him until his joints no longer work."

The Guards looking shocked but saluted and Will stormed off to find Paratha and Genduri. The two were sitting in the home they had been given by Illicia. Will knocked, and was promptly let in.

"Will, I... Thank you." Genduri said rubbing his hand on the back of his neck awkwardly.

"It is no problem," Will said, with a quick smile, then his face became serious, "I need your help to contact the King, My grandparents, and to track a teleportation spell."

The tone of his voice told them everything they needed to know. They both nodded and set to work. The King immediately set about having his court wizards do what tracking they could. Will called in every favor he had with his Grandparents and anyone else they could reach out to in the Gob'Ran and surrounding areas; with that, there were hundreds of methods of tracking being applied.

While he waited to hear from his grandparents or the King, Will flew Genduri and Paratha to the location of Illicia's departure. Neither of them were spatial magi, but where Will achieved things through a sheer unbridled overpowering force of magic, both Genduri and Paratha dealt with nuance, their spells requiring great control and focus. Will hoped it was enough to get a feel for where Illicia had been taken to.

Will found himself ranting in his mind once more and shook his head before muttering, "Calm down, Will, and don't stop fighting Illicia."

Thwack "Gods Damn it!" bellowed Tipless; this was the 3rd time she had gotten a solid hit in on one of his joints. Illicia kept a small smile to herself. When she had come to after being knocked out, she had not recognized where she was, but she had decided that even if Will was not on the way to save her, of which she had no doubt, keeping her hostage would not be something that was worthwhile for the two idiots who had taken her.

"Stay the fuck away from her." Limper said, "I don't need to be left in her daddy's kingdom all alone."

"you think that Viltar is going to follow?" Tipless asked after a few moments of silence.

Limper shrugged, "I have no idea, whoever the hell that was fighting Viltar, it didn't seem like a fair fight. Viltar is a monster when it comes to magic. I'm sure that he won out."

Illicia smiled silently to herself as she imagined how outclassed Viltar was. If Will's physical abilities were anything to go by, she was sure that there were maybe one or two other mortals who could even come close. She thought this to herself as Tipless walked towards the window near her once more. With a self satisfied grin, Illicia wound up and kicked him in the side of his knee as hard as she could.

"Gods damn you, woman!" He bellowed as he jumped away on one leg.

Will was waiting patiently. It was all he could do as magical investigation was about as far outside his wheelhouse as you could get. Suddenly, a scroll appeared from a burst of magical fire, dropping onto the ground next to him.

In his grandmothers flowing hand, a list of tasks that had been accomplished in the efforts to find Illicia were there, a note in the brutish hand of his grandfather reminded him to focus only on what he could do and to let others help him.

Will was grateful for the help they had agreed to provide and slightly shocked at the number of things his grandmother listed as having been done already. He was trying to remember the correct incantations to respond to their message when Paratha called him over.

Will walked quickly to the two who were standing next to a chalk circle they had drawn to try and divine the destination of the teleportation spell that had taken Illicia.

"What did you find?" Will asked.

"This room looks like it sees a lot of teleportation magic, but it all seems to send and receive to the same place," Genduri said, his eyes glazed in magic as he looked at something only he could see.

"So does that mean that you can tell where they took her?" Will could not stop the faint tones of hope from creeping into his voice.

Paratha flinched slightly, "No, the distance that they traveled still lends a certain level of obscuration, but we can tell you one thing. She is back on the continent. Most likely within the Kolt Kingdom."

"So I need to go home." Will said, turning to head to entrance of Viltar's manor.

Paratha and Genduri rose to follow him. Paratha was doing her best to try to soothe what she thought was frustration in Will's voice. "If we hurry back and get a ship ready, as long as they haven't all left, you should be back in the Kingdom in no time. I have heard that the return trip is faster than the trip here, something like a month."

Will shook his head, "too long, I have to find another way."

"What other way?" Paratha asked, confused.

"I think we should go find a woods spirit, or if either of you have any divine favors you want to call in." Will missed the looks of consternation that he got at the casual mention of divine favors.

"A woods spirit it is," Genduri said, pulling a stick from the weeds just outside the gate that marked the edge of the manor grounds. "Mind telling me why it is that I am now looiking for a woods spirit?"

"Well I fgure that one of two things, happen." Will said stepping back to let Genduri lead the way with his now mana imbued stick, "Either they can point us to the nearest elf stones, and I can get home that way."

"Not a bad option," Paratha said, falling in next to Will as they followed Genduri.

"Right, that's the best option." Will said, then his face seemed to cloud somewhat, "But in the worst case, a woods spirit would be able to lead me to the nearest fae, and I could make a deal."

Genduri and Paratha stopped and stared at Will, wondering just what kind of trouble they were going to get themselves mixed up in.

This story is ongoing! if you just want to read as it becomes publicly available, then feel free to do so here or on Reddit (r/HFY.)
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