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One Truth, Forgotten by All but Us

In the world of Ellium

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One Truth, Forgotten by All but Us

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One evil, ever present and vile, stalks and haunts the living, stopped only by the edge of a firelight and driven back by the rising of the sun.

It snaps at the necks of travelers ill-prepare in the wilds and dark caverns, the deep and buried ruins of Ellium. 

It cares neither for young nor old, slave nor free, woman nor man; for all that draw breath are held in it's regard as one thing.


Great and terrible is the Rot and the Cadavers it produces and long running is its ruin on our lands of Ellium. 

It trudges through the forests and rivers, it mucks and marches through the swamps and bogs; it descends from the Skyfall Torrent, spewing ancient mangled corpses from the realms of the Firmament, high above even the Wyverns.

But there plagues one force less deadly but far more destructive than mindless husks of Men and Alliads upon the kingdoms of Ellium. A force when compared to the coldness of the Rot, is a gapping maw of void, a pit where neither the concept of light nor good resides. 


The Great Nepenthe. The Ginnungagap of Memory. 


For as long as we, the Ga’lafuley, have held the Forbidden Knowledge, we have fought against the Cadavers and their rot, and beings worse than them. 

Beings so terrible that they brought about the very Nepenthe the lands suffer in, their existence incomprehensible by the mortal minds.


Devourers; the once celestial kin of our forefathers and progenitors, their true names unutterable.


Our ancient ancestors fought and died in pursuit of the defeat of the Devourers, caught in an unending cycle of death and reincarnation. Generation after generation, before the formation of kingdoms and borders, before the great  migration into Ellium, they were locked in near eternal combat with the ancient evil. 


With the sealing of the Devourers, so did our ancestors gain reprieve from their war and crusade, allowed to rest within the great courts of Aurevol, our beloved Maker. 


Since the migration of our kin who would claim Ellium as their home, we Ga’lafuley have stood against the lesser Devourers to spawn in the lands, dispelling and sealing them away with their kin. From our kingdom’s foundation, our might against the Devourers was so great and terrible that all the tribes and peoples of this land lauded us and honored us as protectors.


And until the Great Nepenthe, we were heralded as the guardians of Ellium, bringing protection to the lands from Mortal and Immortal villains alike. 

Before the Great Nepenthe, our kinsmen of the Remedii clan, bonded by bloodoath, stood against the evils of Ellium. So deep was our bond did our very souls beat in unison on the battlefield and in magic. 


Until all that was good was lost to us, with the cursed Nepenthe.


In one unutterable instance, our kingdom, our loyal subjects whom we protected with our very lives, our Remedii kinsmen, were robbed.


Robbed of their knowledge, our shared history, the generations that we stood against all that threatened the land. 

Since that cursed day, generations near innumerable, we have been made outcast, exiled from our kingdom lost to an amnesiatic curse. None but us remember or know the truth plain to us.


And yet, on the winds of Aura and the threads of the Essence of reality, moved by the very will of Aurevol the Maker, a child has begun to take notice of a single thread.


A thread that once pulled will bring about the collapse of every way of life and reality itself. 


Perhaps he walks a path passed down as his destiny by those like him that came before.


His destiny, as a cursed child to the people of Remedii. 

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