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Gumber- Year 1466

26 April

Damien strolled into the local marketplace that late afternoon, carrying the metal pieces he had crafted for this month. Among them were swords, daggers, and a few jewelry trinkets that the female locals were prone to buy.

A few moons ago, Damien had no interest in making jewelry. He only recently picked up the skill because so many of the local girls loved wearing necklaces with stunning gems. So, he figured why not market to them as well? 

Within a few weeks of honing that skill, Damien had enough necklaces and bracelets to go around. He had come up in the social world of the Lor elves. Kallus trusted him with the tools to craft his own weapons with little supervision. Along with that, Damien was now autonomous in delivering and selling his pieces at the local market. Fair to say, it was a nice income. The money he received was stored in a personal coffer that Kallus allowed him within the vault. So far, Damien had managed to rack up three-hundred gold coins, which was a bountiful fortune for a human, all things considered. 

But Damien still hadn't quite decided what he needed money for. He already had everything by Kallus' favor and will, what else was there to acquire?

It was a bright Spring day, with warm weather and sunlight that streamed through the trees. Damien went to his usual selling table and spread out his merchandise to be marketed. A handful of regular customers noticed his presence and flocked to his table, purses at the ready. 

"What do we have today?" One of his customers asked while perusing the swords. The man picked up the one Damien had suspected this customer would favor, and he grinned.

"This one I made with you in mind," he said. "I know you prefer lightweight and precise, I think you'll find it's a nice design with both."

"Oh?" The customer looked intrigued and handed over his coins. "Looks like I better buy it before someone else does. I appreciate your work, Damien. Keep them coming, I intend to fill out my collection one of these days."

"Thank you for your business." Damien gave a polite bow, one the Lor elves tended to approve of. 

A few moments after the customer walked off, he spotted Ashlyn over by one of the produce tables, filling her basket with carrots and other vegetables. He recognized that smooth white dress and light blue cape, but the girl was much different now. Her long brown hair trickled down the length of her back, as though it had never been cut. Was her hair really that long? Was she really so tall? Her body had matured during their time apart, and after a few seconds of staring at her, Damien realized he was looking upon a woman. A young, attractive woman with flawless skin and red lips that stood out amongst all the green. Soft curves had rounded out her body; her hips, her bosom, even her thighs and posterior.

The girl had cut short her visiting days last year, and Damien thought it had everything to do with him. But like the turning of seasons, she was back in Gumber.

"Ehem." Damien cleared his throat and noticed it was dry. He was thankful that Ashlyn couldn't see him from behind a crowd of people, that she remained unaware. He tapped his forehead while considering leaving his table to go over to her, but decided against it. He needed to watch his wares lest they be stolen. 

"Damien?" He heard Ashlyn speaking to him long before she stepped into his space. She came up to his table, holding her full basket, and scanned his appearance. "Wow, you've grown bigger. A lot bigger."

“So have you.” He estimated her height against his own, probably a few inches short. "I didn't realize you had even returned."

"To be fair, I did just get here," she said. "Not an hour ago."

"Really? You seem well considering you rode all the way back here from the Mages Academy."

"Actually, I didn't ride this time. The Mages formed a portal for me, spared me the long trip." Her warm face spread into a smile. "I like your hair," she said, "it’s so thick and full now."

He ran his fingers through the tousled mop on his head, then gestured to her long mane. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you with your hair down. It’s strange.”


“In a good way.” He formed a smile and leaned over his table. "Would you like to buy something?"

"Ooh." Ashlyn scanned the jewelry pieces on display and picked up one of the necklaces; a silver chain with a soft crescent moon pendant. "A mage crystal, very nice. You...made this?"

"Yes, I craft jewelry now."


"Why not?" He smirked. "Actually..." he came around his table and fastened the necklace onto Ashlyn, "I'd like you to wear this free of charge. A homecoming gift."

"You don't have to do that," she said, palming the crystal. 

"No, I insist. You've been gone a long time, Ash. I feared you wouldn’t come back to see me.”

“I will always come back.”

“You weren’t frightened off by that blood sample I gave you?”

“Of course not. Nothing about you frightens me.”

“But you know my secret,” he said softly. “You know what I am.”

“Actually…I, uh, I never did unlock the mysteries of your blood. I had to leave. Sorry for not saying goodbye.” Her face turned oddly solemn. "We were summoned to Akarlon to make peace with the High Order. That journey took longer than anyone expected.”

"Who's we?"

"The Mages," she said. "My mentor and the others."

"Right, you go around doing mage things instead of staying in one place. Must be exhausting."

“Yes, but at least it’s over now. And you’re looking at a new master of the arcane arts. They’ve elevated me.”

"Wow," Damien nodded in approval, "and you're only, what, fifteen?"

"Sixteen," she corrected, "my birthday was a few weeks ago."

Damien blinked. Ashlyn was probably a few months ahead of him then, or perhaps even a year. But it was always difficult for Damien to tell just how old he was. He assumed he was on the later side of fifteen, if not a bit younger. Having a made-up birthday could only help him track so much.

"Uh, I haven't checked in on your mother," he said. "Not recently. How is she?"

"She's well," Ashlyn said. "She told me this fascinating story a while back, one in which you were a brave hero."

"Nah, that was a group effort— mostly Lila and Naelen."

"Still, thank you for being there when I could not.”

“Uh. No problem.” Damien scratched his head. “So, when are you going back this time?”

“Actually, I don’t plan to go back to the Academy. My new rank allows me to stay where I want.”

“Well, it'll be nice to have one friend sticking around.”

She turned enough so that the light caught in her golden-brown eyes. They were such fascinating eyes, pools of gentle strength. But after a moment, she blushed and said, "I suppose I should get going. My mother needs her groceries and to start supper soon."

"Would you like me to join you for supper?" he asked. 

"You want to?"

"Of course. I see no reason to break tradition; you invite me to supper whenever you visit."

"Alright then," she giggled, "look for my invitation."


When Damien had completed his sales at the market, he made the short journey back to the manor and stepped through the leafy archway. He was a bit surprised to see Kallus and Naelen sparring in the front yard today. Their backyard was much more equipped for training, and they had been spending two hours out there every day, leaving Damien to run the forge alone. Perhaps Kallus and Naelen were simply tired of the routine and needed a change. 

They both had training swords in hand, unsharpened blades that dealt little damage. The swords were light enough to make little clinks against each other, as opposed to loud clashes. 

"New scenery today?" Damien greeted on his way in. He noticed how tired and winded Naelen was. The elf's teenage body dripped with sweat as he struggled to hold up against his father.

By tradition, Damien decided it was time to get into Naelen's head. "You're still working toward your entrance exams? Maybe you should try harder, I don't think you’re sweating enough."

"Shut up, Damien!" Naelen scowled at him between parries, his breath rasping. "You always have to interrupt with a comment?" He bashed at his father a little too hard. 

Damien was inclined to watch the spar until it concluded, so he stood near with his arms folded. 

"How's that destruction rune coming?" he asked, knowing it would get on Naelen's nerves. His brother had been trying hard to learn that powerful rune; apparently it was one of the more advanced ones. Much more strain on an elf's body. 

"I think what he needs is a breathing rune," Kallus joked.

"Is that really a rune, Dad?" Naelen asked. "I've never seen one."

"No," Kallus laughed, "but you could improve control of your breath, Níhilan. You tire too quickly."

Naelen accepted his father's instruction and started focusing on his breath. Kallus allotted a brief pause in the spar so that Naelen could adjust his technique. Then he came at Kallus, dealing an offensive slash that Kallus blocked. With his breathing honed, Naelen moved faster and was quicker to defend. Kallus managed to keep up with his speed well enough, but soon, the elf was like a blur as he moved and pivoted his feet. He dealt a round attack, aiming for Kallus' rib, and when Kallus moved his sword to block, Naelen shoved it away with force and caused Kallus to loose his grip. The training sword went flying and landed near Damien's feet. 

"Whoa!" Damien jolted back. "Some warning next time?"

Naelen snickered, as if he had done that intentionally. "Maybe you shouldn't stand so close. You’re not quick enough.” 

He still had his short, spiky blond hair but his muscles had been filling in, making him seem more bulky. Not to mention he had gone through a recent growth spurt. The elf was probably a few inches away from Kallus' own height, meant to be tall. 

"Good." Kallus retrieved his sword. "I suppose you confirmed my suspicion, Níhilan. You are naturally fast, I believe a speed rune would serve you well in combat."

"A speed rune?" Naelen folded his arms. "How is that supposed to be useful?"

"It can be quite useful," Kallus nodded, imagining the possibilities. "Sometimes, a duel comes down to speed and reaction. Part of being a master warrior is capitalizing on your strengths."

"Oh." Naelen held his chin. "And what's your strength, Dad?"

"Perhaps a high amount of mana? People have told me I have a larger reserve than most, allows me to use more power before running out."


"Yes, surely I've explained this to you. You've been practicing with runes, have you not?"

"I have," Naelen said. 

"Then you must understand by now that mana can run out. Your runes are limited to your reserve."

"Oh, I see now. So you have a large reserve?"

"According to what people say," Kallus shrugged. "I do not know if it holds true because my fighting days are long over." After collecting Naelen's training sword, Kallus faced the two boys. "Be sure to wash up before your studies," he ordered, crinkling his nose. "You both have been baking in the sun, you're both rancid. Go on."

They all walked toward the house, but Damien took a more leisurely pace beside Kallus.

“I won’t be doing studies for long today.” Damien looked at his feet. "I, uh, made plans for supper tonight.”

Kallus lifted a curious brow. "Supper?"

"With Ash. She's back."

"Ashlyn has returned, how do you know this?"

Damien shrugged. "I saw her back at the market. She said she came through a portal?"

"Ah. That would explain why I was not aware of it." Then he gripped the boy's shoulder. "And you wish to have supper with her?"

"I do," Damien said, but this made Kallus more wary, made his pale eyes grow dark. 

"What is she to you, boy?"

"A friend. And yes, I still keep your warning in mind."

"Hmm. Then be careful. Be sure to come home before we lock up."

"I will." 


In the library, Damien and Naelen sat at a desk side-by-side, reading their assigned study material from the same book. An hour passed before Damien heard Naelen's sigh of annoyance.

"Shards," he cursed. "Is reading about the sunken wars of the merfolk really necessary? That's not even our history. Happened three hundred years ago."

Damien looked over, quirking a brow. "Not everything has to be about you Lor elves. There are so many other places and cultures on Ishtara, I sort of enjoy reading about them."

"Psh, I'm aware you enjoy lots of things, like spending time with a girl named Ashlyn." Naelen wiggled his brows in a flirtatious, suggestive way. 

"Ugh." Damien rolled his eyes. "Not you too. Is it so shocking that I have a friend?"

"Considering you, yes. I don't see you making or taking other social invitations. It's okay if you choose to admit it, I can't judge."

"Admit what?"

Naelen hung his arm around the back of his chair. "Really? You can't possibly guess what I'm talking about?" Damien shook his head, causing Naelen to smirk. "Mating," the elf said. "You probably want to mate with her, and I can't say I blame you. Ashlyn is quite exotic around these parts, and she's...human."

"She looks human," Damien chuckled. "That's true, but I can't see myself being with a mage."

"What's wrong with mages?"

"I don’t know, they have frightening abilities like, manipulating your mind. That's not something I could mate with, Naelen."

"But I thought Ashlyn liked you. You have her favor no doubt, why would she try to manipulate?"

"It's not that I think she would do it, but, Kallus did warn me about her. He said I might become her slave if I'm not careful."

"Her slave?" Naelen mocked. "That is the stupidest thing I've ever heard!"

"I think it's possible." Damien shrugged. "It happened to your grandfather, right?"

Naelen shook his head. "My grandfather was crazy and rude but he was not a victim of a Sorceress."

"I don't think Kallus sees it like that. I can't say I know what happened specifically, but I believe your grandfather did lose a part of himself."

"The only thing he lost was his mind," Naelen said. "Nothing more."

This made Damien think for a while. According to Kallus, a Sorceress was able to enslave a person's soul, and Naelen just said his grandfather had lost his mind. 

"Hm, you're sure he wasn't enslaved?" Damien asked for more clarification. 

"Quite sure." Naelen turned back to his reading. 

A few minutes later, Tenila came into the library with a white letter in her hand. 

"Master Damien has an invitation," she said while handing it over. 

"Thanks, Tenila." Damien dismissed the housekeeper and opened the letter, saw the handwritten note with Ashlyn's signature. Of course, he had already accepted a while ago, but these formal things mattered to an elven House. It was a way to account for where you went and who you socialized with. 

"Well..." Damien scooted out from the desk and got to his feet. "Looks like I'm off to supper. Have fun reading about the sunken wars."

"Have fun flirting with your girl," Naelen smiled, though Damien detected a bit of sarcasm in his voice.

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