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Chapter 24: The Viceroy

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Chapter 24: The Viceroy

As we explored the wreckage left behind by the massive White Dragon, I marveled at its power. What’s more, I started to see the looks in everyone’s eyes as they began to fear what would happen if the beast woke up, or worse, if its dark-scaled cousin would return. Fear sometimes has a way of turning the best of us savage.

 “Chissler, that forked-tongued bastard,” cursed Saria Kaves, the ‘honorable’ Minister of Fire. “Just what I need when we’re on the brink of war with the Water.”

            “You must calm yourself, my lady,” said Eramar soothingly.

            “Don’t call me ‘my lady,’ and don’t tell me when to be calm! I’ll decide when it’s time to be calm,” replied a fiery Saria Kaves.

            “We don’t know the situation. It may not be as dire as you believe,” consoled Eramar, composed as ever as he attempted to sway the Minister from her passions.

            “Oh, really,” said Saria sardonically. “Who's been cracking down on the Ministries like some zealot witch hunter for the past five years? Who imposed laws to put us virtually at the mercy of the military and the other Ministries? Who's been prosecuting more and more Elemental sympathizers for petty, trumped-up charges that are little more than fabrications?

“And it's obvious that most of those prosecutions and allegations were politically motivated. I can tell you without even making an investigation. He’s already got the media in his pocket, demonizing anyone who even thinks of supporting the Ministry of Fire. If a man like that is coming here, it can only be for blood.”

            Eramar held his infuriatingly calm demeanor. Saria both loathed and valued that about him. Of all her advisors, he was the one man who could view almost any situation with objectivity and logic.

            “I agree that the Emperor is not as friendly to the Ministry as other Emperors in the past. However, I don’t think that the Emperor himself would come all this way just to announce the dissolvement of the Ministry of Fire. As much as he may dislike Elementals, he still needs us to maintain order throughout the Empire; otherwise, he would’ve disbanded the Ministries a long time ago.”

Sound and logical as always. Why do you have to act so much like Alastar?

            “He may not be coming to destroy us yet, but let me ask you this,” Saria leaned closer for effect. “What’s going to happen to us when that snake no longer needs us?”

            Eramar exhaled, and Saria finally saw a little emotion in his posture as he put both hands behind his back. “My inevitable conclusion is that he will cast us to the wind, but I don’t ever see a time that he can logically say he no longer needs us. The Empire is on shaky ground as it is, what with the Emperor making enemies of all our old allies while seeming to give our adversaries a pass. As long as we stay strong and keep order in the Empire, Chissler cannot make a move against us, the Imperial Senate will see to that.”

            Saria had to concede that point. The Ministry of Fire still had allies in the Senate, but not nearly as many as they did in the past. 

            “Meanwhile, the Emperor just slowly chokes us to death with his laws and administrations. The Ministry of Fire is on the brink of financial disaster from his taxes alone. He doesn’t overtax the nobles on his side of the political spectrum or any of his nonhuman allies; no, just the Elementals and anybody with the least bit of attachment to how this nation used to be, back in the days when honor still meant something. The point is that he may not have to kill us, his legislation alone could be the ruin of all the Ministries.”

            Saria slumped into her chair. They stood in her private office located near the top of the volcano. From there, Saria could watch all the young Grunts in the training yards below working diligently to become the Elementals of tomorrow. A group of Firsts trained in discharging fire through their Psionic Weapons. A group of Seconds sparred in hand-to-hand martial arts nearby. 

My children … my family … my home. All of it is being threatened, and that bloody bureaucrat is tying me down so that I don’t even have the tools to fight it. 

Saria’s office was a large room with a chair and a working desk at the center for filing paperwork. All around her throne/desk, she had assistants buzzing around on the holo-graphic computers, filing and running diagnostics on all the various missions occurring throughout the universe. This was the room where all the important decisions were made.

From this room, the Ministry gave out orders to agents in the field. It was where they received jobs that seemed to be their only source of income since the government had stopped funding them five years ago, the place where they made alliances and orders from various merchants and noblemen still willing to trade with them.

It was where they tried to help out as best they could with all the goings on within their territory. The place where they tried to maintain contact with the few nonhuman allies they had left, where they monitored the activity of the other Grand Ministries, who were constantly poking and prodding the Fire’s territories for any sign of a chance to invade. It was also where they received notices from the Emperor’s office of every new catastrophe that the egomaniac dreamed up to torment them with further.

As many assistants as Saria had, she still had plenty to do herself. Writing with pen and paper was considered a lost art, so naturally, any documentation or filing meant for the Minister’s eyes only was done with pen and paper. She still kept the quill that her teacher and former friend had used before her.

An old-fashioned and ancient item, much like the man who used it, but it also felt warm and familiar at the same time. The feather for the quill remained intact through psionic manipulation, and the bright blue color still dazzled brightly in her office of mostly black and gray.

They decorated her office with red and gold curtains to keep up the pretense that the Ministry still took pride in its colors. But lately, the Ministry of Fire didn't have much to be proud of, and if the Emperor had his way, they would soon be ruined from the inside out.

Saria clutched the pen to her breast. As much as ‘he’ had hurt her, as much as she said she hated him, she refused to let the pen go. In many ways, it was her only reminder of happier days, of a love that could’ve been. She had tried to throw the pen away many times, but she found that she simply could not be parted from it. As she clutched it to her breast, Eramar had the decency to remain silent, respectively turning away.

Struggling to get ahold of herself, Saria whispered, “Why? Why did you have to leave us?”

Just holding the quill to herself instantly brought resolve back to her heart and she knew that she had to go on; if not for her sake, then for the sake of everyone who depended on her to be the strong Minister they expected her to be. I’m getting too old for this. 

            “I want to know why he is coming here. Eramar, and I wanted to know yesterday.”

            Eramar bowed respectfully, as if she required him to. “As you wish, my lady. I will see to it immediately.”

            As Eramar walked away, Saria called out to him. “And for the last time, DON’T CALL ME ‘MY LADY’!”

            Despite the fact that his face was hidden from her, Saria could just imagine the smile that crossed Eramar’s rough features every once in a while.


She looks worried. Though, considering the business with the Ministry of Water, I can hardly blame her. To think that Uruks just happened to be targeted by the Water while their allies, the Air, fights against the Earth, much the same as we may be doing soon against the Water. And now the Emperor is paying a surprise visit. Could it really all be coincidence?

            Eramar made his way toward the information branch of the telepaths when he spotted one of his least favorite politicians. Lord Gregory of the Imperial Senate, and also the head of Gregory Industries; a leading weapons manufacturer in the Tarrus Empire.

The man was trailed by an escort of Imperial guards and all of them outfitted with anti-elemental equipment as if daring the Ministry to attack. He came dressed in a dark blue noblemen’s suit with large, black buttons, a red tie, and a gold sash. He wore black pants and expensive green leather shoes made from the hide of the once-endangered Aldorian crocodile, now extinct.

The man’s face was flawless, of course from all the makeup and plastic surgery that went into its creation, how could it not be; with a strong chin, a long straight nose, a slight mustache under his nose, and dark green eyes that constantly displayed the man’s arrogance and contempt for life in general. The only indication of age was his slightly graying hair that held tell-tell signs of receding. Either because of pride or delusion, the nobleman didn’t correct his hair follicles like the rest of his body

            “Ah, if it isn’t my old friend, Eramar, the slayer of … oh, whatever poor, innocent creature that earned your ire,” says the man who had an entire race hunted to extinction for a line of custom made-leather boots. “How are those extra equipment taxes I requested doing for the Ministry? I hope it's not too strenuous for you people.”

            Eramar gritted his teeth. He knew that Lord Gregory was coming, of course, as an envoy to safeguard the Emperor’s arrival. However, that still didn’t lessen the sheer aggravation of just standing in the man’s presence.

            Despite his anger, Eramar forced a smile. “On the day that I cannot handle something you throw at me, you’ll be the first to know, I’m sure, senator.” 

            Lord Gregory: nobleman, weapons manufacturer, and senator, was one of Chiseler’s most trusted allies in the Senate, and a constant annoyance for the Ministry of Fire. The man had made it his personal mission to do everything legally possible to ruin the Ministry. If and when he started trying some illegal tactics, Eramar would be more than happy to nail him to the wall.

            “Ha! C’est Vrai! You’re funny! And blunter than these other timid Elementals that I’ve had to deal with. I like that. But don’t presume too much on my good nature. I am still a nobleman, and you are still a lowly Elemental. Be careful who you make enemies of.”

            I’ve fought enemies that would make you lose the rest of your receding hairline just by looking at them, Eramar desperately wanted to say, but instead sufficed for, “There was a time when Elementals were not considered so lowly.”

            The man leaned so close that Eramar could smell the champagne on his lips. “Well, that time has long passed. Now you either beg like a good dog or you get the whip. And I’m more than happy for either outcome.”

            Eramar's expression remained cordial. “There's a reason that you were sent to find me, and I doubt it was simply to assert your dominance, otherwise, the Emperor would not bother to reduce someone of your standing to an errand boy.”

Lord Gregory’s eyebrow twitched ever so slightly in irritation.

“So why don’t you quit wasting both our times and get on with it, or would you rather try to arrest me on Ministry soil and face both a legal and physical conflict the likes of which you cannot imagine.”

            Lord Gregory sneered in contempt. “Is that a threat?”

            “It’s a promise,” replied Eramar coldly.

As he spoke, Eramar put just a hint of psionic authority into his voice, giving him a threatening aura. This caused his mechanical orange eye to glow a little brighter, a taste of the power he kept at bay.

            The guards flinched ever so slightly and even Lord Gregory took a step back. It wasn't telepathy, per se. In a way, it was like a wolf growling, a means by which Eramar showed his fangs.

Being an Elemental Wielder, the highest level of Elemental mastery attainable besides Vessel, Eramar possessed a presence that, if not suppressed, could kill most normal humans within the immediate vicinity. When Eramar put psionic authority into his voice, he basically gave the senator an extremely small taste of his Elemental presence. Any more might have driven the man insane.

            In any case, it got the job done as Lord Gregory yielded. “There is a messenger sent by the Emperor personally, one that is not on record. The Emperor asked me to take you to this man, and that his message be brought to the Minister’s attention before his arrival.”

            This news displeased Eramar for a number of reasons. “You mean to tell me that the Emperor sent an unidentified messenger with his envoy and deliberately chose to keep it from our intelligence unit.”

            Lord Gregory smiled, clearly pleased to be the one in charge again. “The Emperor may do whatever he wishes without the consent of any Elemental. He wanted the messenger’s identity to be kept secret because he doesn't wish the request to be made known by the public.”

            “What request?”

            “That is for the messenger to tell you, not me.”

Eramar detected a slight frown on Lord Gregory’s lips, and he realized that the nobleman had been kept out of the loop as well.

            Lord Gregory sighed as if he had just done something completely distasteful and below him. “Well, that is all. My work here is done. I need not stay in this filthy place any longer.”

            The nobleman turned to leave, but before he did, he swerved back towards Eramar and spoke as menacingly as possible. “Mark my words, spawn! This is not the end of our little discussion. You should have been more careful not to have made an enemy of me, and soon you will find out just how much you’ll regret it.”

            Eramar almost rolled his good eye. He knew from experience that Lord Gregory liked to act tough, but in his heart, the man was a coward. The most he could do against Eramar and the Ministry was be an annoyance, nothing more.

The nobleman turned in a huff, quickly followed by his escort, save for two. The two guards left were clearly captains. They had four stripes on their chests, which indicated their rank. They wore dark, gray armor with utility belts that held many technological masterpieces specifically designed to defeat beings with psionic abilities, be they Elemental or alien.

What other weapons they had hidden, Eramar could only guess at. On their heads, they wore pointed helmets with no masks, another indication of their ranks. On their eyes were goggle-like monocles that had targeting systems to see targets miles away. The men’s faces showed no emotion whatsoever, and Eramar knew with just a glance that they were seasoned veterans. 

The Emperor is employing more anti-elemental weapons than ever. I sincerely hope it's just a show of strength.

            “Eramar Razor,” said the one to the left. The men were so similar in appearance, they could’ve been twin brothers. “We will take you to the messenger. Follow us please.”

            The man had a strange way of making ‘please’ sound like an order. Shortly afterwards, the soldiers led Eramar toward the guest chambers of a nearby tree tower. It was odd to feel like a stranger in his own Ministry, but other than that, Eramar felt unconcerned. As strict and backwards as the new Emperor’s policies were, Eramar didn't believe he would openly attack the Ministry of Fire.

And as long as there existed some chance of resolution between the Ministries and the bureaucracy, Eramar would seek it out. Perhaps this meeting with this mysterious messenger from the Emperor presented such a chance, an opportunity for negotiation and closure between both sides of the political spectrum.

            As the guards led Eramar to a suite, they stopped and stood on either side of the door. “He’s waiting for you inside.”

            The guard’s tone sounded polite, but Eramar knew that this man wouldn't hesitate to cut him down should he be given the order to do so. Men such as these only cared about who to kill and how, all other concerns were irrelevant. Eramar knew about the training of the militia better than most, as he had worked alongside them back in the days when the Ministry had closer ties to the military.

            Eramar stepped to the door as it disintegrated in a burst of flames to let him pass. As he stepped through the threshold, Eramar perceived a dark room filled to the brim with old-fashioned candles. The candles had been arranged in a circular pattern around the room, with a smaller circle of candles within each larger circle, making for a pattern similar to a target if viewed from above. And at the very center of the smallest circle of candles sat a man who appeared to be praying.

This is unexpected. 

The man was dressed like a nobleman, much like Lord Gregory, however, such men were rarely religious. Yet, this man knelt reverently like a Monk. In fact, this ritual was right up the alley of the Monks of the Light. Eramar had dealings with men such as these before, and such dealings were disconcerting. Such men tended to be deeply passionate and set in their ways.

If they believed that it was their religious duty to kill someone, then they would do so or die trying. Such men were dangerous because, unlike Lord Gregory - whose motivations could be simplified as greed and lust for power - they absolutely believed in the cause that they fought for, and would endure anything to see it through, even torture.

As the man rose, Eramar saw his face for the first time. It was a young man, early to mid-twenties. He had neatly combed short, blond hair, no facial hair, and a handsome face. Unlike Lord Gregory, the man had no make-up or cosmetic surgery that Eramar could detect, yet his face looked strong and flawless, almost like an Angel’s, and Eramar had met plenty of those.

He possessed deep blue eyes that Eramar found almost captivating. In this young man’s eyes, Eramar perceived a kind and gentle soul; a soul that would hesitate to swat a fly. Even deeper than the kindness, Eramar saw a determination that went beyond obsession. He had no way of knowing who this young man was, or what his goals may be, but whatever they were, this seemed like the kind of man who could withstand any peril to see his ambitions realized.

“Hello, Master Eramar. My name is David Kavic. It is an honor to stand in your presence.”

The man bowed respectfully. From his words, Eramar detected no irony, deception, or sarcasm. He meant every word he said. This respect he showed for Eramar, an Elemental, was genuine. Few remained who respected the Ministry. To find such a man in someone who had been introduced to him by the hate-filled Lord Gregory … surprising, to say the least.

“David Kavic,” reflected Eramar as he considered the name. “The same David Kavic who holds the title as Viceroy to the Emperor. Second only in authority and power to Alexander Chissler himself.”

            Kavic nodded. “The same.”

            Eramar studied the man closely. This wasn't a man like Lord Gregory, or even Chissler. Instinctively, Eramar checked for signs of psions. He wasn't a natural Tracer, so he couldn't detect anything more than a few feet away, but since he was a Wielder, he could detect psions within a person close at hand and know whether they possessed Elemency or not.

As he mentally scanned the young politician, Eramar felt nothing from David Kavic. If the man was a secret Elemental, it would be up to the Tracers of the detection squad to determine that for themselves. No doubt they were already aware of his presence and ascertaining his potential threat levels.

            “I don’t think I’ve ever seen a picture of you.”

            The Viceroy shrugged. “I’m a little camera shy. To be honest, I’ve tried to avoid the media as much as possible. I’m sure a man of your reputation can understand my reasons.”

            Eramar sensed a fierce intelligence within the Viceroy. As much as Eramar studied him, Kavic analyzed him just as carefully in return.

“And just what is my reputation? I’m curious to know how I’m thought of in the Emperor’s inner circle.” Eramar said this not merely as idle chitchat, but as a means to glean anything useful from the nobleman, anything to help him understand Kavic’s motives.

            Kavic continued to speak respectfully, holding his hands in front of him in a relaxed posture. “Well, of course, there are those who believe that the Elementals have outlived their usefulness; my superior, for one. I, however, choose to judge a man based on his actions alone. That is why I say that I am honored, for your past actions speak of your character far louder than the judgements of others.

“However, that is not to say that I am careless when dealing with men of such abilities. Power, in whatever form, is dangerous, fueled only by the whims of sentient lifeforms. That is why I choose to remain impartial. I prefer objectivity over animosity.”

            His answer was somehow blunt without being disrespectful; Eramar didn't expect such a response from a politician. Eramar came dangerously close to liking the Viceroy, but he chose to remain cautious. The best liars often mixed in truth with their deceptions.

            “Lord Gregory told me that you have a request from the Emperor, one that is meant to be off the record. I’m a bit curious about such an ordeal. You must admit that the circumstances are rather mysterious.” Another subtle gambit to glean Kavic’s hidden motives based on his response.

Kavic paused for a moment, as if considering his response carefully. That meant that there were some things that the Emperor didn't want him to reveal. “The Emperor has heard rumors of the like that has him concerned.”

            Eramar didn't buy this convenient little tale. “Just rumors? Really?”

            “Alright. He has agents keeping an eye on the Ministry of Fire, as I’m sure your intelligence already knows, or at least suspects,” replied the young man, almost uncomfortably.

            Eramar nodded. This was old news to him. The espionage unit of the Spiritual Branch had spotted a few spies that weren't affiliated with the other Ministries, so they assumed the spies came from the underground or the Emperor. The spies never gleaned anything of strategic value, so the Minister let them alone as a way of making allowances for the Emperor.

            “The Emperor is concerned about the escalating tensions between the Fire and the Water. That's why he is on his way here. Though, I’m sure that you already guessed that part.”

            “Actually, it caught me off guard,” Eramar replied honestly. “In the past, the Emperor has made no move to intercede in conflicts between the twelve Ministries. For the most part, he has left us to ourselves, at least in that area. I am curious why this current situation differs.”

            Kavic nodded slowly and crossed his arms behind his back. “As you know, the Earth and the Air are having a bit of a skirmish in the northern hemisphere of Tarrus. As a general rule, the Ministries keep civilian fatality to a minimal, declaring their battles to be an internal affair and forbidding bloodshed to noncombatants.”   

            “The law of Marcel passed down through the generations after the first skirmish between the Ministries,” recalled Eramar.

            “However, the situation outside the Empire is precarious. We have more enemies than we used to.”

            “Hmm. Now I wonder whose fault that is?” said Eramar sarcastically.  

            David seemed to smile slightly, but then immediately continued his explanation. “All that to say, if all four Grand Ministries go to war, it could be detrimental for the Empire. I am here to inform you that the Emperor has forbidden the Ministry of Fire to take any action until he deems it necessary.”

            Something that Kavic said bugged Eramar. “Just the Ministry of Fire? Is it not the Emperor’s duty to remain neutral in all disagreements between the Ministries?”

            David Kavic’s face could've been a brick wall for all the information that Eramar got out of it. “I am not authorized to respond to that question.”

Meaning that if the Water attacks us first, the Emperor won’t do a thing about it.

Now it all became perfectly clear to Eramar. The Emperor may not have started this war, but if it meant the Ministries weakening each other, and getting a bad review by the media, it would further his goals of reducing the power of the Ministries. What Chissler accomplished by forbidding the Ministry of Fire to declare war wouldn’t prevent conflict, but just the opposite, he was escalating it to make it a certainty.

With their hands tied, the Ministry of Fire couldn’t take any preemptive actions to strike back at the Water and make it impossible for them to attack. If they had the power to take such action, they could prevent the war before it ever started like they'd done in the past. The Water might become wary and cease its aggressive actions.

Now that the Fire couldn’t make any more moves against the Water, they might interpret this as a sign of vulnerability and attack without hesitation to steal as much territory as possible. Eramar knew the leaders of the Ministry of Water. If they were presented with such an opportunity, they wouldn't hesitate to take it. Chissler had just shown his hand on how he intended to weaken the Ministries and bring them under his control once and for all.

What if he meant for this to happen? What if he’s pulling the strings behind this conflict? It's possible, but I get the feeling that's not the case. Why would Chissler do something like that when there is the possibility of him being discovered? He already has enough legal power without having to resort to such tactics, so I doubt he's involved directly.

Furthermore, it would be too risky for Chissler to take such action, because, Emperor or not, if it ever got out in the public, it would bring an end to his administration. I think what really happened is the Emperor saw this opportunity to discredit all four Grand Ministries, and now he is taking it. All he has to do is sit back and enjoy the show as we slaughter each other.

Only a few seconds went by as Eramar considered all the possibilities in his head and concluded that they simply didn't have enough information to make any assumptions. Eramar turned back to David Kavic, who waited patiently for a response.

“I will take your request directly to the Minister of Fire. Thank you for your honesty.”

            “Oh, that was not the request.”

            “Excuse me.”

            “That is simply the Emperor’s immediate orders for the Ministry and he will reiterate his wishes when he arrives to speak to the Minister personally. The request I was told to bring to you was that the Emperor wishes that the infamous Squad 99, aka Team Grim, be brought to the negotiations, as well as their newest member, Ryan Uruks.”

Of all the things Eramar thought the request might be, that didn’t make the list. “Are you shitting me?!”

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