
In the world of Calara

Visit Calara

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Chapter 3

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Day of Arrival, Midnight

I see now that I must be in the Material Plane, named Cal'rah, judging by the object moving across the sky and that has darkened the world. This process of night and day is unique to the Material Plane if I recall from the texts I read as a child. This is most troublesome, however it is also a blessing, as I now know what steps I must take to find my way home, however the issue is how large this plane is, I may not be able to find the correct portal needed to return me home, nor do I have the faintest clue on where portals may occur in this world.

I noticed a large amount of people come in and out of this certain building over the night. They would always walk inside fairly normally, and when they exited they would be loud and rambunctious, some tripping and falling with ease as if they have lost control of their minds. It reminded me of the Illithids that once controlled us, and how their psychic powers can corrode the mind. Perhaps I should go inside and investigate what is causing this.

I found myself in a large room, with tables and chairs filling the floorspace, and a counter on the east wall with a few people behind it. Many different people occupy the chairs, I see more humans, seemingly the majority in this city, some shorter humans, and not just normal size differences, they are easily a third of the size of the average human, and they appear to be drinking something, the shorter ones drink more heavily than most it appears.

After standing in the doorway looking around for too long a man behind the counter called out to me in the common language of the Material Plane. I quickly cast a Comprehend Languages spell to understand him, and he was saying "You there, fella in the robes, you need something?" I was surprised by this as I had felt invisible to the people on the street, with next to no one even acknowledging me. Walking over to the man he continues to ask me if I need anything, and I say that while I thank him for his hospitality I am simply investigating this place for psychic anomalies, and I mentioned how I saw people leaving in a stupor and were acting uncontrollably. This prompted the man behind the counter to laugh and once he calmed down he asked me if I knew what alcohol was, to which I replied "Yes of course, it is a common alchemical ingredient." The man laughed again before asking if I was 'one of those weird elves', because according to him, everyone knows what alcohol does to a man. I thought about this, I knew of elves too. They are a race descended from the Fey, with prominent martial prowess coincided with an affinity for natural magic similar to my Githyanki brothers and sisters, though I did not know they lived in Cal'rah. I said to the man "No, I am not an elf, why would you ask that?" To which the man replied, "Most of them elves live down in Fusia, some big island to the south, they usually keep to themselves and don't bother nobody, and they don't really get drunk at all either, so I don't see them as patrons much. Say, why take off that hood and have a drink, you must be burning up in this heat." I had never noticed such a temperature while I was here, but I agreed to his request and remove the hood from the robe I am wearing. I notice his face turns to a confused look, and rightfully so, as it appears that none of my people are present in this world, or at least to the point where my people are not widely known about. He says to me "I've never seen a person like you, got some strange features about you friend. Matters not to me though. Ever tried whiskey? Its a, uh, form of alcohol, I guess. Tastes great, have a glass on the house." I do not understand this metaphor but I accept the beverage nonetheless, curious from his kind words. I drink the foul smelling liquid and despite that fact the man is correct, it does taste quite delicious, and I am baffled that such a simple alchemical component can be converted into such a substance. The man notices this and asks if it is the first drink I've ever had, I say "Alcohol is not ingested where I am from, at least not in this unique form." The man sighs, says to me that as long as I do not cause trouble in his business, I will be "OK." I know not what this means but I say that I am not one to cause disturbances.

I sat down at what is called 'the bar' on a strange cylindrical platform and began observing the room and its occupants. Many are talking with each other, sat around tables drinking out of glassware. Further away from me on the wall there is a raised platform, a stage of sorts, where a performer is using an instrument to make music for the people here. People seem to ignore the performer, much to her disappointment it appears.

Casting a minor Detect Magic spell I discovered there to be no magical presences in this building or on any person, which confused me. Why would so many people decide to drink this detrimental mind-altering substance? Is it simply for the taste? The 'whiskey' that was given to me did taste well enough, but even now I can feel my mind beginning to falter, my thoughts becoming dull and slowed. I quickly left the building and began to walk the streets of this city once more.

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