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When last we left, we found that Eddward had been flayed alive by literally Satan because he broke his oath to not use or learn arcane magic. I found a book, Felicia and Kon had a discussion before he started tripping balls and Fester helped Anatole commit dead people crimes.

We bed down for the night in the Undercroft. In the morning Kon finds Felicia eating breakfast.

“Good morning.”

“Did you sleep well?” He asks.

“Yes, the beds here are remarkably comfortable.”

“Good to hear.” Kon leaves her and gets food and has small talk.

Turns out there are more priests here than just our High Pontiff and Eddward. Deadward, unfortunately, is now dead and everyone definitely knows that he’s dead.

“So… were the events of last night… uncommon?” I ask, as I enter the breakfast hall, taking in note of everyone’s sadness.

“Yes, very.”

“Ah. And are all of the gods as… lively as Lord Asmodeus?”

“Yes and no. Asmodeus alone among the gods possesses unbridled power.”

“Unbridled power and he chose to flay someone? Is that normal as a punishment?” I ask the room.

Anatole chimes in, “Well, he was nailed to the wall with infernal nails and-“ he proceeds to tell us about

“I’ve never seen this. So…”

“In living memory, no one has ever seen this. But then again, no one has been foolish enough to break an oath to Asmodeus, let alone one of his clergy.” Pontiff Aethelhard says.

“Does that mean in recorded history, there are people who have broken oaths to other gods?” I ask.

“Oh yes, very much so. You see, if you worship one of the Gods, any of the Gods, the highest form of failure is to take part in one of their anathemas. They have various power and access to our plane, which is why we fear them and give them praise, so that they may forego smiting us all. But Asmodeus has more power than most combined. The others each wish they could muster even a portion of Asmodeus’ strength.”

“I know I should be scared, but then you were able to heal both Felicia and Fester… surely worship has value.”

“All worship has value. But there is always a price.”

Kon asks him how old he is, as he looks old and decrepit. “I am 28 years old.”

I ask him what the price was for healing Fester and Felicia and he says none yet, as he is afforded certain abilities for his station. It is also not common for humans to look how Aethelhard looks at 28. I sense motive to see if he’s having us on. The group follows suit for the memes.

Anatole chimes in, “Fascinating… is it your profession that has lead to your… complexion?”

“Yes, it is quite common for Pontiffs to age very rapidly. It is the price we pay for spreading our worship amongst all the gods. Most would only give worship to one, and some would become, as you’ve said, become fucked up. It also depends on the god as well.”

“How long have you been a pontiff?” Kon asks.

Aethelhard has been a High Pontiff for 2 years and became a pontiff at 19. Rapid pontiff aging seems to begin once they take their oaths.

“Is it just aesthetic, or is there internal breakdown?” Anatole asks the poor man.

“Oh, no I am quite frail. My body has aged rapidly over these last 10 years as a pontiff. It substantially increases once one becomes a High Pontiff as well.”

“Your lifespan must be significantly shortened…”

“Most pontiffs are lucky to survive 15 years from their oath.”

“But it depends on the needs of the flock though. If I can avoid calling on Zon-Kuthon, it will not cost me my lifespan.”

“Why Zon-Kuthon specifically?”

“He is loss, and pain. First among the orders, most others demand suffering of others, where Zon-Kuthon demands the suffering of self.”

“Terribly fascinating.”

“Yes it is a mix you see, as one suffers under Zon-Kuthon’s rule, Sorrow’s Sword strengthens us, allowing us to call forth greater power. Seizing any opportunity that grants us power, we take it, and are granted more from other gods, the cycle continues until we collapse underneath it. But… without us, there is no barrier between the World and the Gods.

I ask about the books because I read through them after last night.

“I too, but found now answers that could satisfy me. But several are ancient, some are from the Abyss and more fresh from Pontiffs not long ago.”

I ask if they are hearsay or accurate. “The modern ones are genuine accounts… the Abyss I cannot say. None truly know what life was like back then.”

“The gods are not the only beings that walk our world…”

“well, the Gods should never walk our world, if they do something is horribly wrong. These beings are not Gods per se, they do not have a domain, they do not have the presence a God has. Mortals in every sense except for the quantity of power that they wield.”

“Are Pontiffs the only ones who can beg the Gods for assistance?”

“No of course not, we have clerics and paladins, but they entreat only one God at a time.” He tells me.

“Is the recommendation for the every day civilian to not get involved though? I ask because… the Inquisition says they worship Atreia, but that presence in the bonfire was a desire to be free that I recognized as a different God of the Host.”

“Ah you recognize Rovagug… I would say try to avoid their edicts and anathemas… The gods infect us, by creating beasts of power. Rovagug is so tempting because of his hunger. We all feel hunger.”

I begin to push my bowl away, but Anatole says no no, you must not become hungry.

“I feel the Sorrow’s Sword on you… so beware. I give warning because one of his other areas of concern is drawing strength from sorrow. You will become a shell if you engage. You will become powerful but also become a shell of yourself. We call them wights.”

“So, I would eat those oats while you can, hmm!” Anatole chimes in saucily. Trying to diffuse the tension.

“I see… thank you for the information.” I finish my oats and excuse myself to get to the Blacksmith. Anatole considers asking the Church about the infernal nails. Kon will spend time with Felicia, Izeck will go do rat things and then maybe talk to the bar wench.

Downtime at Nightdeep - Anatole's Day

I asked Anatole about his day of work.

Anatole asks the pontiffs and priests about the infernal nails and fucks off to do some crafting. He decides to go find work with some other people, the general store perhaps. It’s more worthwhile to use someone else’s ingredients than it is for him to us his own. He will still add his personal touch though. Rolls a 15.

He earns 10g for his efforts today. He spends the day working with Minimillian, and at some point Kon comes past with Felicia as part of their date. But for most of the day, he is given reagents from the store and crafts potions and other items. He has turned over a large amount of items today, which is phenomenal. For the next two days Anatole earns 40gold pieces each day.

I think he has strong potential for becoming an excellent craftsman, my people would be proud to have him in our tribe… I wonder why he hates the healing arts though. Is viscera and disfigurement really that important? Perhaps it is a Tengu thing. He avoids openly talking of his past and plans for the future, but I suppose for most races distrust is part of their nature.

Downtime at Nightdeep - Fester's Day

He excuses himself from the Church breakfast to go out infestergating. Festering around as he says. I will have to ask why he insists on speaking of himself in those ways. I feel like his business card is usually sufficient to remember him by. Besides the fact that he is our travel companion… Maybe he likes the attention?

He finds out information that the caravan the Inquisition stopped was meant to stop and go somewhere else. They had not intended to stop at Nightdeep. They seem to have been heading from Alpinglight to Needlehill, and stopped at Nightdeep due to an attack on the road.

They were diverted to Nightdeep to stop for supplies and medicine. He has discovered some notes from within, and they show communication back and forward; paper communications, but he is unsure how. Either using a bird, or magic. Communication was between the Inquisition and a being in Alpinlight. The being was named as “Arch Chaplain” of Alpinglight, no name attached. The communication starts by saying they were attacked by monsters, used up the medical supplies they brought, received an order to stop in Nightdeep to resupply. Then there is some inconsequential letters about wastes of time. Then, from the Arch Chaplain saying Felicia has been spotted in Nightdeep and that they should burn her for the Crime of Witchcraft. The evidence of that line stops there, but they certainly tried to burn her.

Fester loots the medical supplies and food. They seemed to have not had much time to resupply, which is why they were weak and easier for us to kill. He finds a set of healer’s tools. They are consumed and can be used 20 times for healing 1d8? Health or maybe less. He also finds a key in the pocket of a nicer looking saddle. The key looks like it is for the Inn in town. High Chaplain Arctus’ room. She was keeping an expanded healing kit for herself, and she has an igniter – like a fancy lighter.

Fester copies the letters just in case, then tries to woo the bar maid back at the Inn.

He tells us all this and more when he returns.

Downtime at Nightdeep - Kon's Day

Kon wouldn't actually tell me what he did with Felicia on their date, but he came back wearing an interesting ring.

Dating Felicia and spending 5 gold over 3 days. He fucks the first roll, so Hero points it for a 28. They spend the day in town, walking around the city walls, within running distance of the town in case something goes wrong. Buying fruits from the general store, having a meal or two at the tavern. Everything is going quite well for the two of them!

Felicia is receptive to the day and what Kon’s up to. After the two days, he wakes up in her bed and she gives him a family ring. It seems to be from the abyss and has been passed down for generations.

He was very pleased with himself, and the Lady in question did seem to have enjoyed her time with him. I wonder if they pursue a relationship… will their children have tails?

Downtime at Nightdeep - My Day

Crafting with Baldemar the Blacksmith. I roll for the blueprint, and it goes well. 16 is fine for tracing a blueprint. It’s not rocket appliances, so I put some light behind the parchment and trace through it. I have acquired the blueprint of Fire Staff. I ask Baldemar if he noticed anything strange last night.

“No, no. Slept like a baby last night. Bit of commotion to the North I suppose.”

“Ah, we also had something interesting happen at the Chapel with our employer. Terrible to witness. But I suppose most things are unusual though, to most people.” With our conversation dying out, I continue focusing on my work. I have an 18 for the staff, so we shall see.

I am able to drastically diminish the amount of time it would have taken Baldemar to take the staff. Just after the setting of the sun, we wipe our brow with a now moist rag as we work wood and metal on the anvil. We are tired but satisfied. We completed the Fire Staff.

“Can we give it a test go?” I slap a fire hand at the dummy, and roll a 1 so I fail horribly.

“Don’t worry champ, you’ll get em!”

“Thank you for allowing me to work in your forge today, Baldemar, I will never speak of this moment again.”

My staff has 3 charges by default and I can add charges to it each morning equal to the highest spell slot I have. Doing so resets the charges it has and if I don’t use them within 24hours they also fizzle.

For the remaining days, I offer my crafting skills to Baldemar and I roll a natural 20 for my next two days of crafting. I earn a whopping 50gold.

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