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Amazonian Knight Ceramony A day at the Ironbrew

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A day at the Ironbrew

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Linyive Ironbrew wakes up with a quick stretch. She then got up out of bed and began getting read for her day. She puts on her dark green innkeepers attire and leather boots. As she puts her magenta colored hair up in a pony tail she sees Duncan, an agreian elf, with a slender build, brown eyes, and brown hair. His face is quite stern looking. She knows dam well Duncan isn't his birth name and would be the first of his species she ever met that didn't have a clan name. But she chooses not to pry. He's never late, works hard, gets along with her patrons, and can show the rowdy ones to the door. He also never gives her a reason to question him so let him keep his past. Might even have a good reason to not want to talk about it.

She finishes getting around and heads down stairs to the main room. She finds Duncan inside already getting tables prepped. She green him "morning Duncan." Duncan replies "morning Miss Ironbrew. Heading outside to tend the garden?" Ironbrew nods "best to do it while guests are still asleep. speaking of..." Duncan interjects "I will see to them if you are still outside when they wake." "Thanks Duncan."

Once outside she begins to tend the garden. All the plants look healthy though she did have to pull a few weeds. She was about to head back inside when she heard an annoyingly familiar voice. "Greetings Miss Ironbrew. I have come to see if you have final..." Ironbrew reels around cutting off the young, admittedly handsome, agreian elf and nearly shouts "no! I want nothing to do with your bloated greedy organization! You were ordered to stop soliciting me!" The elf grins "yelling is rude Miss Ironbrew. Besides we were ordered not to solicit on your property." He motions to the road he is standing on "But as you can see I am on the road which is not your property." Ironbrew's anger was quickly rising higher as she hears the Inn's main entrance open. An elder rakkar steps outside and says "Well that certainly explains the raised voices. Bugging Miss Ironbrew again Lambert?" Lambert says "As you can see old bird I am on the road" The rakkar taps his beak in mock confusion "you are now yes but...forgive my old tired eyes but I swear you only just stepped on it as I exited the building. Which would mean you were on Miss Ironbrew's property but a moment ago. Which would certainly be smarter that standing in the middle of the road for so long." Lambert glares at the aged rakkar then says "I suppose I should continue leaving." He quickly turns and heads down the road. Ironbrew sighs "Thanks Caiark" Caiark chuckles "least I can do for your kind help. I will say something to the knights on my way to the school" Ironbrew smirks "At this rate I might end up owing you" Caiark shakes his head "Nonsense friend" He takes his leave as she heads back inside. She sees Duncan and the live in help have finished getting up front ready. She says "Duncan. Take a wagon and go fetch the order I placed with Samuel. Some of it Jess and I need to start preparing when you get back." Duncan muses "Already time for the Embergrip caravan to come through huh? Alright I'll be back then." She then heads to the kitchen and says to some of her workers "Jess start prepping what we can. Bill and John go bring up the Embergrip barrels. Stephan go take breakfast orders from our overnight guests" They all spring to work as Ironbrew heads to her front counter.

Later in the afternoon her front door opens and a rather large number of dwarves pour into the Inn. The one in front speaks joyously "Ah the Ironbrew. Best Inn on the surface." Ironbrew exclaims "Stradgurd Embergrip as I live and breath" Stradgurd exclaims back "Linyive! It's great to see you again." They hug. Ironbrew says "rooms are already prepared and your tables are ready. Should only be a few minutes till food is done." Stradgurd taps his belly "Good. Too much longer and I'd have to eat one of our yaks. Alright lads and lasses. Head to the tables. Except you two green horns. Front and center." Most of the dwarves head further in save for Stradgurd and two dwarves she didn't recognize. Stradgurd continues "Brut, Likoll. This is Linyive Ironbrew. She is a sister to me. If she tells you to do something then consider it an order from me. Understood?" Both nod "understood Caravan Master" Stradgurd says "good. Now let's get some grub" he leads on as Ironbrew goes to help bring the food out.

That night she got really busy even for this time of year. Quite a few adventuring groups and smaller caravans showed up as well making it utterly packed. It did mean she was making quite a bit of money and her workers were handling the load fairly well, especially with the Embergrips landing a hand bring items out and keeping people in good spirts with various songs of theirs. Even with all that however she still noticed that Duncan hadn't come back from his break and he is always prompt. She first looked upstairs just incase he was working up there. She didn't spot him till she looked out a window facing back of her property. She saw Duncan surrounded by three other agreian elves. She quickly headed downstairs and made her way to Stradgurd and said to him. "Duncan is in trouble out back." Stradgurd's smile vanishes as he sharply whistles. Several Dwarves instantly go from merry making to grabing their weapons and following their caravan master outside along with Ironbrew.

The elves threating Duncan were quickly surrounded with axe blades scraping vital areas. Stradgurd says "now lads I would think really carefully about your next move." The lead thug says "Can't you see that we our dealing with one of our own?" Stradgurd replies "Funny that. From my point of view your threating one of mine. See his boss is like a sister to me and she values him. Which makes him close enough to a clansmen to me." The lead thug is silent for a moment then says "Drop your weapons. This is a fight we can't win." The three elves drop their weapons in surrender. The dwarves fetch rope from their wagons and tie the elves up as they wait for the town guards. Ironbrew takes Duncan aside and ask "are you alright?" Duncan nods "ya. I have had worse happen. Just thugs that figured out I was clanless. Figured no one would come to my aid." Ironbrew asks "clanless being bad amongst agreian elves I take it." Duncan nods "You have to do more than just leave to no longer be considered a part of your clan....I do my best to not be the man that lost his clan name...but events like that bring him real close to the surface...took quite a bit of effort to not let him out to end those pricks..." they are both silent for a while before Duncan speaks "I can leave. I don't want to cause trouble." Ironbrew shakes her head "nonsense. You are more than welcome here." Duncan says a bit bewildered "Are you sure? everyone else alwa..." Ironbrew cuts him off "yes I'm sure. Your past is in the past. I don't know the man you were back then but I know the one you are now and it's one I'm proud to know" Duncan replies "I...Thank you" Stradgurd makes his way to them "Excuse me but did I overhear you say Duncan is without a clan?" Duncan nods. Stradgurd then says "Well not anymore. Welcome to the clan Duncan of the Embergrip." He hands Duncan a dagger with his clan's symbol "Your duty to the clan is to keep Linyive here safe. She's too a fine a person to let bandits and thugs harm her." Duncan looks at the dagger "Just like that?" "Just like that" "There is just one problem" "oh and what could that be?" "My people normally show their clan mark as a tattoo." Stradgurd bowls over laughing "HA! Is that all?" he turns around "OI! Someone go fetch Wiot. This man needs inked with our clan's emblem!" Ironbrew smiles "Well Duncan Embergrip. I want you to take tomorrow off, but do stop by. I will get you a meal on the house." Duncan says "I'm...gonna need a minute to take this all in." Ironbrew nods "Take all the time you need." Ironbrew heads back inside to finish out the night.

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