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Identifying Harvest General Info

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Identifying The Conditions


Dwementarium is one of the rarest metals in Eltharia. The conditions that are required for it to be made is very exacting and also a slow process. There are three specific conditions that must be ALWAYS due to the Creeping BitterVine Root:

  • Must be a dark (extremely shady), cool spot
  • The nearby water must be still with nary a current.
  • High accumulation of Druidic power

There are two types of Creeping BitterVine Root: land and water based. The land Creeping BitterVine Root are found more commonly in long abandoned mines or unoccupied caves. The water Creeping BitterVine Root is more rare to find due to the requirement of the still water. However Dwementarium is only found with the water based Creeping BitterVine Root. 

The process that Dwementarium comes by is as follows:

First the location has to have a high concentration of Druidic power in the location. Most commonly, the best locations are old or even current outdoor altars dedicated to Isolde. There have been a few places that seem to be some sort of nexus that nearby Druidic power is drawn into a certain spot. (At this time, we here at For Dummies books, cannot find a clear consensus for the last sentence. This is speculation at this time.)

Next is the still water with a shady or darkened area. Most commonly it is a small pond or puddle. However if it dries up at any time or it looses the darkness, the water based Creeping BitterVine Root will die out except for the seeds to wait for the next time the location fills up with water and it gets darker.

The Creeping BitterVine Root will take root at the edges of the shore. The plant will take 1-2 years to sprout from the seeds depending on the environment, weather, and other selective conditions. After another 3-4 years, the plant grows to its adult form. The Creeping BitterVine Root has the following characteristics: 

  • It is a bundle of stalks ( average of 8-10 stalks in each bundle)
  • at the top of each stalk is a small cattail that is of a reddish brown color
  •  the roots are anchored on both the land and in the water. the roots in the water however will be very willow and thin, almost like a piece of thread
  • right under the bundle is where the roots slowly filter the nearby rocks, dirt and minerals to slowly transform it into a small bundle of Dwementarium

After reaching its adult stage, it will be another 5-7 years before it produces Dwementarium. However it is a minuscule amount in the form of around half of an ounce worth of Dwementarium. Current researchers have determined that on average, one ounce of Dwementarium takes between 10-14 years to be converted. However the life span of Creeping BitterVine Root is around 7 years once in adult stage. 


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