Traveling to the Archives on Jehda

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As the speeder weaved through the traffic on their way to the archives Izaphine leaned into Ar’lissa. Ar’lissa glanced back for a moment before returning her eyes back to avoiding the foot traffic and other vehicles. “If you’re planning on trying to get any closer, you’ll have to buy me dinner first.” Ar’lissa quipped just loud enough for Izaphine to hear over the engine noise. Izaphine chuckled softly and kept the same volume, “We’ll this whole archive thing is probably going to go past dinner time so maybe breakfast instead? Besides I can’t get that close with you wearing that jetpack.”
Ar’lissa chuckled, “True.  Gotta say that was some nice shooting back there.”
Izaphine smiled, “Thanks for the complement, though I’m not as good a shot as you are with a rifle according to your handlers that passed you off to our group. I have to be honest, before the station was attacked, I was a little excited to meet you in person. You certainly don’t disappoint.”
Ar’lissa’s eyes narrowed slightly. “Thanks. What did they tell you about me?”
“Your orders were cut and sealed like the rest of us field agents in lesser space. That you started out a competent sharpshooter, now you’re a master markswoman and learning to become a pilot. That you’ve delt with a lot of crazy stuff working with this group. That’s all they would really say.”
Ar’lissa would have rolled her eyes if she hadn’t been trying to avoid hitting a couple of pedestrians not paying attention to their surroundings. “I’m surprised they believed many of my reports, frack I would have thought I was crazy if I read my reports without experiencing them firsthand. There are times I really miss the simpler assignments back…” She glanced over to her side as Cabra sped up to where he could be in earshot if their voices got any louder. “…home.”
“Take a right at the next intersection and we should see it after a couple of blocks.” Cabra called out.
“Acknowledged.” Ar’lissa called back. She glanced back to Izaphine lowering her voice back down as Cabra pulled back into their line formation. “Keep an eye on this Squish character for me, will you?”
“Think he’s up to something? I didn’t see any Aqualish with the attackers, but then again I wasn’t entirely in the best shape for part of it.”
Ar’lissa quickly turned her head back and slowed down to turn as more and more pedestrians started filling the streets. “Not sure, the others seem to trust him...”
Izaphine looked back at Squish and then to the others as Ar’lissa sped back up, “I understand, as long as we’re working together, I’ll do my best to keep your back covered.”
“Thanks, I’ll try to do the same.”
Izaphine looked over Ar’lissa’s shoulder as the crowds started to thin out. “ Hopefully we can get that information were after in the archives without a ruckus.”
Ar’lissa gives a snort, “Yeah, with this group, that’s probably not likely.”
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