
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Chapter 37 Chapter 38 Chapter 39 Chapter 40 Chapter 41 Chapter 42 Chapter 43 Chapter 44 Chapter 45 Chapter 46 Chapter 47 Chapter 48 Chapter 49 Chapter 50 Chapter 51 Chapter 52 Chapter 53 Chapter 54 Chapter 55 Chapter 56 Chapter 57 Chapter 58 Chapter 59 Chapter 60 Chapter 61 Chapter 62 Chapter 63 Chapter 64 Chapter 65 Chapter 66 Chapter 67 Chapter 68 Chapter 69 Chapter 70 Chapter 71 Chapter 72 Chapter 73 Chapter 74 Chapter 75 Chapter 76 Chapter 77 Chapter 78 Chapter 79 Chapter 80 Chapter 81 Chapter 82 Chapter 83 Chapter 84 Chapter 85 Chapter 86 Chapter 87 Chapter 88 Chapter 89 Chapter 90 Chapter 91 Chapter 92 Chapter 93 Chapter 94 Chapter 95 Chapter 96 Chapter 97 Chapter 98 Chapter 99 Chapter 100 Chapter 101 Chapter 102 Chapter 103 Chapter 104 Chapter 105 Chapter 106 Chapter 107 Chapter 108 Chapter 109 Chapter 110 Chapter 111 Chapter 112 Chapter 113 Chapter 114 Chapter 115 Chapter 116 Chapter 117 Chapter 118 Chapter 119 Chapter 120 Chapter 121 Chapter 122 Chapter 123 Chapter 124 Chapter 125 Chapter 126 Chapter 127 Chapter 128 Chapter 129 Chapter 130 Chapter 131 Chapter 132 Chapter 133 Chapter 134 Chapter 135 Chapter 136 Chapter 137 Chapter 138 Chapter 139 Chapter 140 Chapter 141 Chapter 142 Chapter 143 Chapter 144 Chapter 145 Chapter 146 Chapter 147 Chapter 148 The Phone Call Louise's First Costume When Keyla was Here A Day at the Garcia House The Keeper Sibling Bonds Once Upon a Time in High School Lillie's Recipes Lightning the Mentor A Miraculous Medical Aide Louise's Day Off An Ethereal Fairy Eternal Youth A Miracle Manifests Three Generals Deep Thoughts Over Lemonade A Miracle of Science Three Branches, Three Days Dreams of Heroes The Makings of a Thief Girl Time Wishing for More Courtney Larsen, Age 15 A Greenhouse Tour Odin's Evening The Keeper's Evening Cleo's Seventeenth Birthday Never to Thaw Again 2617's New Arx Techs Payday Party Prime's Board Game Party Temperature-Regulating Potions It's Not Missing If I Don't Miss It One Empty Glass The Worst of the Worst A Pair of Amateurs

Arx Nubibus
Ongoing 1074 Words

Chapter 131

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Joey stood outside Ned's door, staring at the floor. His hand was raised to knock, but he hadn't been able to bring himself to make a sound since Cleo had dropped him back at his place. 

No, his parents' house. He wouldn't be living here for much longer. 

Guilt gnawed at his stomach, and his hands were shaking. How in the big blue sky was he supposed to explain this to Ned? "Oh, by the way, I've been acting as Achilles' sidekick for the past few months, don't worry about it"

No way that would go over well. Unfortunately, he couldn't stand here forever. 

Just as he took the hundredth breath to psyche himself up to knock, Ned opened the door and took a surprised step back. 

"You're back," he said, looking at Joey strangely. "Did something happen?" His face quickly twisted into a frown as Joey lowered his hand and took a breath to start explaining. 

"We need to talk," he said quietly. Ned stepped aside and waved toward the bed. Joey trudged over and sat down, his head falling naturally into his hands. 

"What happened?" Ned asked, sitting in his computer chair and wheeling across from Joey. 

"I..." Why couldn't he say anything? Words clogged up in his throat and choked away before a single sound could be formed. 

"Joey?" Ned asked, leaning forward to force eye contact. "You're starting to worry me." 

Oh, Ned. If only he knew just how worried he was about to be. 

"I screwed up, Ned." Somehow, Joey managed to force out those hoarse words. More followed, trickling through like water through a drippy faucet. "We're moving at the end of next week. And...I don't think it's a good thing. I got mixed up in something really bad. I...I don't know how to tell you any of this." 

Tears welled up in his eyes. His hands felt so shaky, they'd be vibrating if his head wasn't holding them in place. 

"Joey?" Ned asked, kneeling down and putting a hand on his shoulder. "How did you get mixed up with something bad?" 

Joey cursed himself for making Ned feel so concerned. He was supposed to be the older one. The one who took care of his younger brother. Instead, here was his little brother being strong for him. How long would he stay strong once he knew everything? 

"You know Achilles?" Joey asked, taking deep breaths to steady himself. A few sobs choked out in the silence as Ned frowned in confusion. 

"Who doesn't know Achilles?" 

"There's others too..." 

"Right. Lightning, Jumper, Prime...I can't remember all of them right now, but he's got a team." 


Sobs choked out his next words. Why couldn't he say anything? Why couldn't he say it? 

He could blame the sudden nature of it all. Just a few hours ago, there hadn't been any kind of problem. Then Cleo. But it wasn't really her fault. They'd stumbled into something too big for any of them. And now Ned, the last person Joey wanted to hurt, was getting dragged into it. 

"You don't have to say anything if you don't want to," Ned said gently. "How can I help?" 

That made it worse. Joey steeled himself and took another deep breath, then started talking again. 

"I don't know that you can. But...Cleo and I - I mentioned her to you - we got stuck in something dangerous. And...he wants you too, Ned. I don't know why. I'm sorry. I didn't want you to get dragged into anything." 

His words faded again. Why was this so hard? 

Ned sat there silently, staring at the floor in thought. Joey didn't know how long they sat there before he found the courage to speak again. 

"I'm Jumper, Ned." 

"What?" Ned's confusion was obvious. Joey soldiered on, determined to at least make sure Ned heard it from him. 

"When I had my accident...last year now, I guess. When I was in the hospital, someone spoke to me. They offered me a Miracle. I can jump super high, and I don't get hurt from falls or anything. You can punch me all you want and I'll barely feel it. And I got mixed up with Achilles for a while. He was like a kid, y'know? I just couldn't leave him alone. And then there was Lightning. We're friends, kinda. As much as you can be when you're like us.

"And when Paris and the Phalanx started causing trouble, I felt like I had to keep helping. If I didn't do something and someone got hurt, I...I'd feel guilty about it. I've been trying to distance myself from everything now that the Legion's expanding, but then I met Cleo. She...she has powers like us. Crazy powers. She knows what's going to happen before it happens. She can create portals. Anyway, she came to me today asking me to help her track down whoever killed Scattershot. 

"So we went somewhere we weren't supposed to. And...we found him. I think. I think he killed Scattershot, and Phantasma, and he might kill us. He said we're going to live down there with him, and you have to come with us. I don't know what he wants exactly, but we have to do as he says. He said to bring you. So..." 

Joey couldn't take it any more. He fell off the bed onto his knees and curled up, holding his legs tightly. 

Maybe it would all be a bad dream when he woke up. 

It was all too soon that Ned put a hand on his shoulder and dashed that hope. 

"Then let's go." Joey looked up at him. Ned was looking away, an unreadable expression on his face. 

"I'm sorry, Ned," Joey whispered. 

"It's okay. I wanted to get out of here as soon as possible, didn't I?" Ned forced a smile, even though he had to be scared too, and Joey felt awful all over again. He took Ned's hand and they both stood up. 

Joey took a few shaky breaths as a portal opened up next to them. Ned looked startled, but Joey just let out a rueful chuckle. 

"Of course she was watching us," he said, rubbing his eyes on his sweater. Even if she'd already watched him bawl his eyes out, he at least wanted to look presentable when he got back to the Underwing. 

Ned looked at him anxiously, and Joey led the way through the portal. 

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