Hanhula Progress Report

welcome to my signature! check out istralar!

Rite of Torpor

A ritual that places one into a state of hibernation until sunlight's next touch, performed as tradition in Aanngaavoq.

3085 words

Knots of Saire

An eerie (and particularly murderous) bog in Myrkalla known for its interesting flora.

2364 words

Yearsend Wreath

Wreaths worn as crowns in the last days of the year, to be burnt at the start of the new one.

2105 words


A dangerous recreational drug that improves charisma and confidence at the cost of hearing and worse.

3104 words

Hanhula Progress so far

10658 words 106.58% completed!

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Hello there, I'm Han! In my regular life, I'm a game developer focusing on the front-end side of things - meaning I get to work on some very, very cool things every day... and also that I can't talk about any of them. Whilst I live in Australia, I'm actually English - I emigrated a little while ago and have been trying to find my way back to Europe ever since.   I'm usually a high fantasy writer with a focus on expansive, meaningful stories with characters that genuinely feel as real as you or I, but you'll find me including just about everything in dashes. There's even a little bit of sci-fi here and there. I draw inspiration from a number of series - Final Fantasy, Dragon Age, Discworld, Earthsea, Gunnerkrigg Court... and I'm perfectly willing to nerd out over pretty much anything so long as it's not D&D 5e. I'm a Pathfinder 1e GM through and through!   Talk to me about hit MMORPG FFXIV!

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Empty Heaven


404: Lost in the Multiverse Error


Worldember 2024 - Item Shortlist



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