CryoDevil Progress Report

The Invictus - The Danse Macabre

Mountains interposed Make enemies of nations, who had else Like kindred drops been mingled into one. William Cowper, Task

16802 words

The Coil of Flesh

359 words


The first few years a Twilight Dragon serves as an Apprentice and is expected to do nothing more than watch, listen, ask questions and learn.

191 words


Dominate • Resilience •

168 words

Anoushkka's Ladder

588 words

Unlife in the Invictus

I dreamt that I dwelt in marble halls, With vassals and serfs at my side, And of all who assembled within those walls, That I was the hope and the pride. — Alfred Bunn, Bohemian Girl

31944 words

Creating a Coil

1860 words

The Fog of Eternity

I have come to believe that the whole world is an enigma, a harmless enigma that is made terrible by our own mad attempt to interpret it as though it had an underlying truth. — Umberto Eco

9531 words


677 words


Status: Lancea Sanctum (•+)

834 words


Scourge is the Discipline of flagellance and pain practiced by the Mortifiers of the Flesh.

250 words

As One

(Level-Five Crúac Ritual)

1401 words

The Crone

At the end of all roads, the Crone awaits, her shears sharpened to sever the ties to life.

1374 words


The Adroanzi have always seen themselves as gods of nature.

88 words

The Summer Solstice

Summer might not lead one’s thoughts to vampires.

1298 words

Apocryphal Coils

350 words

The Sworn of the Ladder

Just as Mara drew together a group of followers who felt that she was on the true path to transcendence, so did Anoushka.

2949 words


A heresy may outlive the attempts to stomp it out, if it is given a fertile and insular home in which to flourish.

1874 words

Mortifiers of the Flesh

The Mortifiers of the Flesh are, in some domains, as much a faction within The Lancea Sanctum as they are a bloodline.

2917 words


The enigmatic Zelani bloodline only has enough members to form a single coterie — at present.

3082 words

•• Taint

203 words

The Southern Cities Alliance

In the 19th century, the Southern Cities Alliance was a benign, and somewhat naïve, force in the politics of the fractious and rapidly changing Kindred society of the Indian subcontinent.

1333 words



329 words


Members of the Apollinaire bloodline are champions of death.

1654 words


This small, enigmatic and almost extinct bloodline claims, like many faithful bloodlines, to be descended from one of the first Sanctified — a former mortuary priest and scholar of the dead.

2006 words

Other Major Creeds

804 words

Carthian Pull

(• to •••••) ; Pre-req: Carthian Pull can never exceed a character’s Covenant Status (Carthians).

397 words

Eye's Blood

Auspex •, Spoiling •

546 words

Tiamat's Offspring

(Level-Three Crúac Ritual)

588 words


676 words


979 words

Vodoun Doll

Level-Five Vodoun ritual, only available to patrons of Kalfou

802 words


Further revealing the Romanization of the quasi-Egyptian funerary necromancy practiced by Libitinarii, this Discipline of Torpor and sleep was given a Latin name.

540 words

The Solitary Path

These Kindred seek meaning in a profound sense, delving into their own thoughts and instincts and studying the ways of the sensual world, hoping to come to a satisfactory understanding.

3703 words


This power is what separates the pious monsters that descend from the unique blend of Orthodox tradition and Slavic folklore from the pious monsters of The Lancea Sanctum.

346 words

Grand Wyrm

The Dragon who has taken her oath to the Ordo Dracul earlier than any other member of the Academy is accorded the title of Grand Wyrm.

275 words


Think of the way a shepherd tends to his flock. And then, when the time is right, he exploits the animals for their milk, wool and meat. That’s what the Shepherds do.

1966 words


One of the smallest and most unusual bloodlines in Kindred history, the Barjot have their origin in late 1860s France.

3245 words

CryoDevil Progress so far

104784 words 1047.84% completed!

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