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Worldbuilding Summer Camp 2023

Somewhere in your setting, describe
a building or landmark used for, or associated with, communication
A total of 187 entries

Woman Woman's business house

The Dragon Deliveries Alaskan Headquarters

The Variance - Express Communications Closets

King's Hound Messenger Outpost

Private libraries and the rune guild library

Kotuye Library and Education Center

Isthramir Railway Lines - Vanice's Track Circuit Communication

Bellehop Corporate Headquarters

Egghead Institute -- Moonsville

SC.2023.38. Desolation of Lack of Counsel/qeî dǎ zhuoùng

ARC-0371/Pan & ARC-0372/Themis

The House of the Caral Long Sparrows

International Center for Nonviolent Intelligent Communication

Turris Verborum the Tower of Words

The Askaria Free Radio Network Building

Acadean Temple of Othior

Tulwood Telegraph Building

Funkturm von Cartagena de las Indias

Zharen He Museum of Communication

Federation Interstellar Communication Hub

The rumbler tower of Kilsy Hill

Tele Postal Office of Byen Engler

Eglen's first post office no. 2