Dragon's Realm

Once the height of civilization, the Dragon's Realm was destroyed when Shadow drove Light from the land. The continent continues to be rocked by volcanic explosions with the ash contained within a magical dome that surrounds the continent.


The land is predominantly a barren waste, littered by the ruins of once great cities. Ash covered deserts give way to ranges of volcanic mountains, known as the Dragon's Spine. The largest mountain is a super volcano known as the Dragon's Mount, presumably the home of the mighty dragon form that the Shadow Lord favors.


Hot and dark

Natural Resources

  • Sulfur
  • Ash
  • Thermal Energy
  • Gemstones
  • Abundant ore


At the dawn of the Current Era, Fenshad the Mighty ruled in Ibrigate. There were many beautiful cities throughout the land, built in a style no longer seen on Aubadeon. These cities were made up of buildings that stretched into the sky, held up by mighty girders of steel and ornamented with crystal windows that gave those within grand views of the beautiful, lush landscape.

At first, the richly magical people spread their worship between Light and Shadow, but as time and technology increased, more and more turned to worshiping the Shadow Lord, eager to gain the power he offered from a merger of magic and technology.

In time, the Shadow drove the worshipers of Light from the land. The Light left the Eastern Continent to the Dragon's Kabal, while helping its followers to escape to the Western. As they left, the super volcano erupted, casting darkness and poisonous ash into the sky. Light sealed the Eastern Continent in a veil that contained the ash, leaving the worshipers of Shadow to their fate.

Very little is known of the Eastern Continent as no one who has travelled there from the West has ever returned.

Included Locations
Related Ethnicities
Inhabiting Species


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