Trillia's Draska Guard

“In the Shadows of the Summer Fortress, a force has been quietly forged, one that now strikes fear into the hearts of many: the Draska Guard.”
— written report to King Cydril II sent by Odhran

These warriors, fiercely loyal to Queen Trillia, owe their very existence to her intervention. Once slaves, bound by despair, they were liberated by Trillia’s decisive and ruthless actions. She saw potential where others saw only broken spirits, and over the past twenty years, she has molded them into a formidable force.


The Draska Guard are not just soldiers; they are a testament to Trillia’s vision and power. Trained in secret, away from prying eyes, they have honed their skills in the art of combat and the use of magic. Their training grounds, hidden deep within the fortress, echo with the sounds of rigorous drills and the clash of training swords. Each member of the Guard is a master of their chosen weapon, the deadly Spirit Sword, their blades an extension of their will and loyalty.

“She gave us purpose,” one guard whispers, his voice filled with reverence. “She gave us strength.”

Their loyalty to Trillia is unbreakable. They see her not just as a queen, but as a savior who lifted them from the depths of despair. This bond is what makes them so fearsome. They fight not just for duty, but for gratitude and devotion. Their eyes, once dull with hopelessness, now burn with a fierce determination.


The Draska Guard have become known throughout the land since Trillia revealed their existence. Tales of their prowess and unwavering loyalty spread, instilling both awe and fear. They are the silent shadows that move with deadly precision, the unseen protectors of the Summer Fortress. Their presence is a constant reminder of Trillia’s power and the lengths she will go to protect her realm.


In battle, they are a sight to behold. Moving as one, their coordination and discipline are unmatched. The air hums with the energy of their Spirit Swords, a symphony of power enhanced by Darkness. Each strike is deliberate, each movement a testament to their training and loyalty.

“To serve the queen is to serve our destiny,” another guard states, his voice resolute.

The Draska Guard are more than just warriors; they are a symbol of transformation and resilience. They embody the strength that comes from overcoming adversity and the power of unwavering loyalty. Under Trillia’s guidance, they have become a force to be reckoned with, a beacon of her influence and control.


In the land of Summer, where Shadows rule, the Draska Guard stand as a testament to the queen’s vision. They are her shield and sword, her protectors and enforcers. And as long as they stand, the Summer Fortress remains an impregnable bastion, a refuge against the chaos of the world that would drive Darkness from the land.

Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy

Cover image: by Antonios Ntoumas


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Aug 11, 2024 14:59 by Marjorie Ariel

I love how you interspersed this article with quotes. They make it clear the relationship between Queen Trillia and the guard--how she saved them and why are they so devoted to her.

Aug 12, 2024 18:59 by Deleyna Marr

Thank you! I appreciate you reading!

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