Symbol of Light

“In the Light, we find our strength and our solace.”

The Symbol of Light is a revered relic in Aubadeon, embodying the essence of the Reflections of the Light. This sacred symbol, often crafted as a sunburst pendant or fashioned from the star anise pod, is a powerful emblem of faith and protection. It is worn by the faithful as a constant reminder of the Light’s presence and its enduring power over Darkness.

“With the Light, we ward off the shadows.”

The sunburst pendant, a common form of the Symbol of Light, is meticulously crafted from precious metals and adorned with gemstones that catch and reflect the light. Each ray of the sunburst is a testament to the Light’s reach, extending its warmth and protection to all corners of Aubadeon. The pendant is often worn close to the heart, a personal talisman that offers comfort and strength in times of need.


In addition to the pendant, the star anise pod is another cherished form of the Symbol of Light. This natural representation of the sunburst is believed to carry the Light’s essence within its very structure. The pod is often carried as a charm and placed in food to prevent illness.

“In every gesture, we honor the Light.”

The people of Aubadeon also use a warding gesture to invoke the Light’s protection. By opening their hand and spreading their fingers to form a sunburst, they create a powerful symbol that drives away Darkness. This gesture is often accompanied by a silent prayer or a whispered invocation, a personal plea for the Light’s guidance and strength.


The Symbol of Light is more than just an object or a gesture; it is a profound expression of faith. It represents the eternal struggle between Light and Darkness, and the unwavering belief that the Light will always prevail. For the people of Aubadeon, the Symbol of Light is a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest times, the Light is always near.


In the quiet moments of reflection, the faithful find solace in the Symbol of Light. They hold their pendants close, feeling the warmth of the Light within their hearts. They make the warding gesture, spreading their fingers wide, and feel the shadows retreat. Through these simple acts, they reaffirm their connection to the Light and their commitment to its tenets.


The Symbol of Light is a testament to the enduring power of faith and the strength of the human spirit. It is a beacon of hope in a world often overshadowed by Darkness, a reminder that the Light will always guide and protect those who believe.

Item type
Jewelry / Valuable

Cover image: by Antonios Ntoumas


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