Night of Darkness

“In the modern era of the Draska who dwell in Summer, a new and controversial tradition has taken root: the Night of Darkness.”

Once, the Draska Bonding ceremony symbolized eternal love and unity. Now, it has been outlawed, seen as a throwback to the old ways that destroyed their people. It has been replaced by a practice that many see as a sign of moral decay. The Night of Darkness, held once a month, encourages Draska couples to mate outside of marriage. This unofficial genetic experiment aims to increase their power and restore the Draska to the strength they possessed before the plague.


On the Night of Darkness, the air is thick with anticipation and unease. The streets of Summer are filled with whispers and furtive glances as the Draska prepare for the night ahead. It is a time when the usual boundaries of society are cast aside, replaced by a primal urge to strengthen the bloodlines.

“Power at any cost,” some say, their voices tinged with both hope and despair.

The origins of this tradition are shrouded in secrecy. It is said that Queen Trillia herself developed the practice, believing that the Draska’s future lies in their ability to reclaim their lost power. The Night of Darkness is seen as a necessary step towards this goal, a way to ensure that the Draska remain formidable and feared. Some say that it may have been brought to the West by the Shadow Lord, as it is said his people in the East have a similar practice.


For many, the Night of Darkness is a source of deep discomfort. The idea of mating outside of marriage, of reducing such an intimate act to a mere transaction for power, is abhorrent. It is a stark departure from the values of love and unity that once defined the Draska.

“Have we lost our way?” an elder wonders aloud, their voice heavy with sorrow. “Is this truly the path to our salvation?”

Despite the controversy, the Night of Darkness continues. Each month, the Draska gather under the cover of night, driven by a mixture of duty and desperation. The results of this experiment are still uncertain, but the impact on the Draska’s moral fabric is undeniable.


The Night of Darkness has created a rift within the community. Some embrace the tradition, seeing it as a necessary sacrifice for the greater good. Others reject it, clinging to the old ways and the belief that true strength comes from unity and love, not from power alone. While Trillia has refused to force anyone to participate in the ceremony, there are benefits to those who do and subtle penalties for those who avoid the ritual.


In the end, the Night of Darkness stands as a symbol of the Draska’s struggle. It is a reflection of their desire to reclaim their former glory, but also a reminder of the cost of such ambition. As the Draska navigate this new era, they must grapple with the question of what it truly means to be strong.

“Strength without honor is hollow,” a young Draska warrior muses, gazing into the night. “We must remember who we are, or risk losing ourselves entirely.”

The Night of Darkness is a tradition that represents both hope and moral decay. It is a testament to the Draska’s enduring spirit, but also a warning of the dangers of forsaking one’s values in the pursuit of power. As the Draska continue to evolve, they must find a way to balance their past with their future, and to remember that true strength lies not just in power, but in the bonds that unite them.

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Cover image: by Antonios Ntoumas


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