Death of the Draska

“In the annals of Aubadeon, a dark myth persists, whispered in hushed tones and shadowed corners: the tale of the Draska’s fall.”
— Blythe in his stories about the Death of the Draska

Long before Queen Trillia’s reign, it is said that the Draska, once revered as warriors of Light, secretly turned to worship the Shadow. This betrayal, according to legend, led to their ultimate destruction at the hands of the Light. The Draska Plague, a devastating illness that swept through their ranks, is often cited as proof of this dark chapter in history.


The myth begins with the Draska, a proud and powerful people known for their unwavering dedication to the Light. They were the protectors of the realm, their healers and others who helped the community were a symbol of their commitment to justice and peace. However, as the story goes, a seed of doubt and darkness took root within their hearts after the Shadow began attacking the land. Tempted by the promises of power and desperate to aid the kingdom, they began to turn away from the Light's peace, seeking the forbidden knowledge of power and warfare.

“Beware the whispers of the dark,” an old saying warns, “for they lead even the brightest souls astray.”

The myth states that as the Draska’s allegiance shifted, so too did their fate. The Light, sensing the growing corruption, sought to purge the Darkness from their midst. What followed was a brutal and merciless campaign, a holy war to cleanse the realm of the Shadow’s influence. The Draska, once the champions of Light, found themselves poisoned by the very force they had sworn to serve.


The Draska Plague, a mysterious and deadly illness, is often pointed to as evidence of this divine retribution. The plague decimated the Draska, leaving few survivors. To many, it was seen as a punishment from the Light, a manifestation of their betrayal. The symptoms were horrific: fever, delirium, and a slow, agonizing death. Entire villages were wiped out, their inhabitants succumbing to the relentless spread of the disease.

“Some say the plague was a curse,” a scholar once mused, “a dark gift from the Shadow to those who dared to seek its power.”

Despite the passage of time and the gradual re-emergence of a few Draska, the myth of the Draska’s fall endures. It serves as a cautionary tale, a reminder of the dangers of straying from the path of Light. The few remaining Draska are viewed with suspicion and fear, their legacy tainted by the shadow of their supposed betrayal. The truth of the myth remains shrouded in mystery, lost to the ages, but its impact on the collective memory of Aubadeon is undeniable.


In the end, the tale of the Draska’s fall is more than just a story. It is a reflection of the eternal struggle between Light and Shadow, a reminder that even the brightest souls can be led astray. Whether fact or fiction, the myth continues to shape the beliefs and fears of the people of Aubadeon, casting a long shadow over the land and its history, leading to mistreatment of any who claim to be Draska.

Historical Basis

The Draska Plague was a real event. However it did not destroy the entire race, and was not sent by the Light as a punishment. Its severity was increased by the Shadow's trickery.

Cover image: by Deleyna via Midjourney


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