Candle Lighting

“In the glow of a thousand candles, we find the Light.”

The worshipers and the Reflections of the Light hold a deep reverence for the act of lighting candles, a ritual that symbolizes the illumination of the soul and the banishment of Darkness. Their chapels, such as the renowned Chapel at Sun’s Font, are sanctuaries of Light, filled with the warm, flickering glow of countless candles.

“Each flame is a prayer, each light a beacon of hope.”

The ritual of lighting candles is a central practice in their worship. Upon entering the chapel, worshipers are greeted by the sight of rows upon rows of candles, their flames dancing in unison. The air is filled with the soft scent of beeswax and the gentle hum of whispered prayers, creating an atmosphere of serene devotion.


Each worshiper carries a small, unlit candle as they approach the altar. There, they light their candle from the central flame, a sacred fire that is kept burning at all times. This act of lighting a candle from the central flame is deeply symbolic, representing the sharing of the Light and the unity of the faithful.

“In the light of the candles, we see the path to the Light.”

The candles are then placed in designated holders throughout the chapel, their flames adding to the collective glow. The worshipers offer silent prayers as they place their candles, each flame a personal plea or a word of gratitude. The chapel, bathed in the soft, golden light, becomes a haven of peace and reflection.


Safety is of utmost importance in these rituals. The chapels are constructed with materials that are resistant to fire, and the candle holders are designed to contain any stray flames. Reflects, trained in fire safety, are always present to oversee the rituals and ensure that the candles are handled with care. Additionally, the candles themselves are made from slow-burning beeswax, reducing the risk of accidental fires.

“With each candle, we drive away the shadows.”

The act of lighting candles is not just a ritual; it is a profound expression of faith. It symbolizes the eternal struggle between Light and Darkness, and the unwavering belief that the Light will always prevail. For the worshipers, each candle is a beacon of hope, a reminder that even in the darkest times, the Light is always near.


In the quiet moments of worship, the faithful find solace in the glow of the candles. They watch the flames flicker and dance, feeling the warmth of the Light within their hearts. Through this simple yet powerful ritual, they reaffirm their connection to the Light and their commitment to its tenets.


As the candles burn brightly, the chapel transforms into a sanctuary of tranquility and reflection. The gentle glow of the flames creates an atmosphere of peace, allowing the worshipers to connect deeply with their faith and find comfort in the presence of the Light.

Cover image: Chapel of the Light by Deleyna via MidJourney


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