Bane Basket

“In the face of danger, let the Bane Basket be your shield.”

The Bane Basket is a cherished personal item in Aubadeon, known for its protective properties. This delicate necklace, crafted from fine silver, holds a small charm designed to safeguard its wearer from harm. The charm, intricately fashioned into the shape of a basket, contains dried flowers, traditionally witches bane, believed to ward off evil and danger.

“With every petal, a promise of safety.”

The Bane Basket is more than just a piece of jewelry; it is a talisman of protection. The silver charm, though small, is meticulously crafted, its delicate filigree work a testament to the skill of the artisans who create it. Within the basket, the dried witches bane flowers are carefully placed, their presence a potent deterrent against malevolent forces.


Witches bane, known for its protective properties, is a key component of the Bane Basket. These flowers, once vibrant and alive, are dried and preserved, their essence believed to retain the power to repel evil. The scent of the dried flowers, faint but persistent, is said to create a barrier against dark magic and ill intentions.

“In every charm, the strength of the Light.”

The Bane Basket is often given as a gift, a gesture of care and protection. Parents bestow it upon their children, lovers exchange it as a token of their bond, and friends offer it as a symbol of their enduring support. Wearing the Bane Basket is a reminder that one is never truly alone, that the loved one's protection is always near.


In times of peril, the Bane Basket serves as a source of comfort and strength. Its presence around the neck is a constant reassurance, a silent guardian against unseen threats. The wearer can feel the weight of the charm, a tangible connection to a protective embrace.

“Let the Bane Basket be your shield, your guardian in the shadows.”

The tradition of the Bane Basket is deeply rooted in the culture of Aubadeon. It is a symbol of the enduring power of faith and the belief in the Light’s ability to protect and guide. Each Bane Basket is unique, a personal talisman that carries the hopes and prayers of its maker and its wearer.


Interestingly, the Bane Basket is often carried by those who fear the Draska, used as a ward to protect against any contamination from encountering them. While it doesn’t actually work, it serves as a psychological comfort to its bearer and tends to annoy the Draska. Most Draska will avoid the wearer not because of the charm's power but because they find such symbols distasteful.


The Bane Basket is a slightly warped talisman because it draws its theoretical power not from the Light but from the land. Because of this, the Draska see it as an evil symbol.

Item type
Jewelry / Valuable

Cover image: by Antonios Ntoumas


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